Ch. 1 The Courtyard

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Anyone here? Oh never mind I see it! You should know who I am, my mom and dad says it's rude to not introduce yourself! I'm gettin' straight to the point!

Uh, ¿hola como estas? Me llamo es Dianna. I'm Dianna, and I can speak Spanish. I'm a tall 18 year old, that just turned 18 a few days ago. I'm half African-American half Mexican. I do my work in school but I goof off too much sometimes. I'm a a bit loud, unlike my brother who is quiet as a mouse.

 My mom often tells me I get most of my personality from my dad. 

 Anyway, I work out a lot, and my body gains muscle so I have a toned body- muscles, abs, healthy weight and all but I'm not in any athletic clubs- don't ask why. Just don't.

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Dianna's pov

I look around, bored out of my mind. A huge mass of people, talking among themselves and enjoying appetizers, and fancy drinks, in tuxedos and cute little dresses. I decided to wear a hunter green suit- jacket and pants that fit my curvy figure, with an ivory blouse underneath, matching green flats, and had on some gold Chanel jewelry along with a Chanel logo pin on my jacket. My dark brown hair was in a ponytail, that goes down my back. 

I'm at another event, and upset with my brother, cause he's annoying, so I went out onto the balcony, to get some fresh air and some peace and quiet to drink my fourth drink- well club soda, I got the glass full this time.

 I hear footsteps, "What." I say aloud, "Um, Dianna, it's me Ariel." a small voice says. 

I turn around, "Oh hey, what are you doing out here?" I look at her. Ariel is like my best friend, we practically grew up together. Despite my height, she's a bit shorter than me. She has pale skin,  long black hair, and the most gorgeous blue eyes you'd ever seen. Her naturally pink lips are covered in red gloss, and she worn an ombre blue and white gown, adorned with crystals. Her petite body made her seem like a little girl, especially since she doesn't have a large bust.  "I'm asking you....d-did your brother get on your nerves a-again?" her soft stutter laced in with her light voice as she sipped on her drink. "Yeah. I'm out here so I don't have to embarrass my parents again." I began chugging down my glass with no shame or guilt, "Oh. I thought so. I was looking for you and- D-Dianna, you're gonna give yourself the hiccups drinking that fast!" she warns me, as I chugged down the last bit, and let out a huge burp. 

"Ahh, I needed that. But now I gotta pee. Wanna come?" I look at her, "o-okay" she says. We both walk back in and head to the bathroom, as I shove my hands in the pockets of my pants.

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