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Just a quick A/N, unlike the other TSGBB books, I only have the descriptions of characters this time. I just did irl people pictures I found off of google for my profiles cause my art was wack LOL. I would draw them out but my art is still wAck-Ack. ACH-

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"When are they comiiiiinnngggg, I'm bored." I yawn and rest my cheek against the marble counter. While Travion was trying to tie his shoe. We were both dressed alike, my brother has on a white shirt with navy blue overalls that was above his knees, and matching jordans. I had on the same thing but I was wearing a suspender skirt instead, and my hair in pig tails. Wait did I ever say who I was? Oh yeah. I'm Dianna, nice to meet cha.

 My friends and cousins are all here too! All of our parents are really close friends! Travion and I are twins too! Diane and Travis are our parents. My best friend is Ariel Jackson, she's the daughter of Chance Jackson, she told me her dad named her after some ram called an Aries. Oh and he works at the same company as my mom too! They both study astronomy. My aunt is Valeria who is my and Travion's  dads sister, they're both really tall. It makes me wonder if I'm gonna be tall like them. But sometimes I think I might be short like my mom, she's really short compared to my dad. 

My aunt married to Louis Brown and had our cousins, Valerie, Lucas and Victoria! Victoria's a boy by the way. Mitchell is our friend, who is the son of Dominic and Tasha.  Darrius is related to Mitchell, apparently Dominic's cousin, and Gavin Marino is my mom's boss. Him and my dad used to not get along but now they do! Every year, his sister's family goes on vacation and lets him babysit his younger cousin Leonardo. They're Italian, isn't that cool?! 

Thing is everyone is here, the grown ups always rent this huge mansion every summer and we're all one huge happy family for two months! And now all of us kids are in the garden hanging out. We were all playing together, and Ariel was the only one sitting on a blanket under the lush apple tree in the shade while the rest of us was playing hide and seek. 

I run to Ariel, "You're not gonna play?" I ask her. 

She shakes her head no, "Why?"

 "M-my mom said that I can't p-play" she says quietly. Ariel has a stutter, so that's why she talks weird like that. She was wearing a pink designer shirt, a matching skirt and sandals. Her black hair rested on her shoulders. "Well she can't see you out here, she's with everyone else inside!" I smile. 

I hear Leo's name from the mouths of everyone else, I help Ariel up and we both join everyone else running to him and hugging him. He was short like all of us, he was always dressed like a model. Well he is a model. He models for kids, but he doesn't model during the summer. He has brown eyes and shiny black wavy hair, he kept it slicked back with gel. Plus he always wore a suit. 

He was quieter than Ariel at first, he first met us 2 years ago, I hug him tight and our chubby cheeks squished against each other. "We're playing hide and seek!  Wanna join?" Val asks as we let go. "Okay" he smiles,  "Alright then" she says and we all look at each other sneakily, as we back away from him. Leonardo looks at us all confused, "You're it!" I yell and Leo sighs, turning around and we all ran and hid. Leo finished counting and the garden was empty, I decided to hide in the thick apple tree, and holding onto a thick limb. 

It was a few minutes and Leo had already found a few of his friends already, small Dianna decides to scare Leo as he was near the tree, she inches up a little but realizes if she makes another move she would slip and fall, she tries her best to move more, without falling. She grabs an apple and slips slightly, but catches the limb with her hand but she slips and the back of her overalls get caught by a tree branch instead, leaving her hanging in the air, "EEP!" 

"Dianna?" Leo turns around, along with the others that were found and everyone laughs at her, especially Leo. 


 "Get me down! It's not funny anymore!!!" I pant out of breath. "Not happening!" Val giggles, "Yeah, you're gonna try to kill Leo, Dianna!" Mitchel laughs.  "I wouldn't! I mean he's our friend after all!" I smile innocently. 

"Fine, but promise you won't be mad at him anymore!" Travion says. "Promesa?" he looks up at me. "Ugh fine, promesa" I mumble in defeat and he helps me down.

 I dust myself off, and everyone was relieved. I look at Leo with a sneaky smile on my face with the apple still in my hand, he widens his eyes and dashes off and I ran after him "GET BACK HERE! I AINT DONE WITH YOU YET DIRTY DAN!!" 

"DIANNA YOU PROMISED!" Travion yells and chases after me and everyone was in a chase after me, "I PROMISED IN SPANISH, HERMANO!" I laugh. 


Later on in the evening, the kids went inside and had lunch, and all were tired for the day, sleeping in the living room. The grown ups were up and about, and the house was silent as the night became prominent. Everyone had a wonderful time together, especially Leo, since it was his last time he would see his friends, he had to move back to Italy with his parents.

 The last day was a week before school would start. Gavin and Leo were ready to go, everyone hugged little Leonardo. Leonardo never really got to do things a kid would get to do, since his parents were extremely strict. 

Dianna was usually a tomboy, and a rowdy girl, but even she couldn't hold it. She and Leo became really close over the two summers they spent together, including the 3rd one that just passed. She hugs him tight, sobbing into his shoulder, and he hugs back just as tight.

 "I wanted to give you this" she sniffs, slapping a small slab of a colorful polished rock in his hand, "It's a thing you keep with you, it's a rock that looks like bacon! You better keep it!" 

"Okay, I-I will!" he smiles.



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