Ch. 10 A Lit Halloween pt. 2

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I keep forgetting to publish this. Some changes had to be made so I had to make sure it didn't affect this chapter or anything so ya'll won't  get confused. Sorry! Also don't forget to vote- I wanna make sure you're alive out there ;)

 Sorry! Also don't forget to vote- I wanna make sure you're alive out there ;)

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???'s Mansion

Halloween Party

10:30 pm

Ariel's pov

"I-I don't know Travion, I think they only let VIP up there!" I yell over the music, trying to control  my breathing. I look at my card, "You are VIP!" Travion says back pointing to the gold foil star sticker on my card, "..Oh." "Come on, it's probably not as crowded up there as it is down here, I can take you to a room if you want!" "O-Okay!" he holds my hand and leads me up the stairs.

 A minute or two later we both make it to the top floor, we both look for a room unoccupied. We both became more silent after passing a room, open door and seeing Dianna look around in it. Travion quickly finds one and we both go in and shut the door a bit hard, and lock it. "You okay?" he pants, "Yeah, I-I just got a bit overwhelmed by the crowd and a-all." I regain control of my breathing, taking a deep breath and breathing it out. "Same here, I'm not really much of a party person." he shrugs, we both laugh. 

10 years ago

"I'm gonna be, I don't k-know, the fairy." Ariel says, "Okay so Lucas, Victoria, Mitch and I are the cowboys, and Ariel, Dianna and Val are the princesses" Travion confirms everything. "I don't wanna be a princess!" Dianna sighs, "I wanna be a cowboy baby!" she says.

 "Well maybe a cowgirl instead hehe" she giggles. "Wait then who's gonna kidnap the princesses then?" Victoria asks. "Ooh! I wanna!" Dianna says excited. "Well okay then" Val laughs, "Alright, ladies, you're comin' with me!" Dianna high pitched voice giggles. 

"You r-remember when we used to play that c-cowboy and princess game all the time as kids, T-Travion?" I look up at him, "Oh yeah, Dianna rarely ever became a princess" he says. 

"And when she was the kidnapper, she would beat all of you guys up." I laugh, "Or if she was a cowboy, she'd beat the kidnapper up" Travion laughs with me.  We both sit down on the floor, leaning against the door. I sat down mermaid style since I had on a skirt despite having on shorts under. 



"I-I was looking for you the other day after school" Travion takes his hat  and mask off. I fiddle with my crystal moon wand, "Y-You were?" I look at him, embarrassed by my stutter. 

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