Ch. 9 Alex

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This chapter contains scenes/settings that may disturb or bring discomfort to readers such as bullying, mature themes, r*pe or anything that may upset the audience, including mature scenes 18+. Read at your own discretion

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After school


???'s house

Dianna's pov

I was resting in the bed on my phone cause my cousin just called me. "What do you mean you don't wanna be bothered this time? You usually let me come over there sometimes" Valerie whines. "Not this time, I wanna focus on my workout!" I argue back.

 "Ohhh, I see it now. I knew it. I mean it makes sense, you and your attractive trainer who's somewhat near your age-perfect" 

"I already told you he's only my trainer....and my friend-well my friend and trainer, we all know that" I laugh referring to the rest of my family and friends, while holding a hand and feeling a kiss planted on my bare shoulder. "Yeah yeah, I'm just playing silly. Anyway, I'm gonna go" 

"Why? You're at the mall again?" I ask sarcastically. "...Si. I need another outfit" "Ooof course. Fine I'll leave you alone to your girly shopping or whatever"

 "Okay, have fun with your boyfriend!" she giggles, "He's not my boyfriend estupida!"  I hang up.  I slid my phone under the pillow I was lying on.

 I look over at Alex and we both laugh. "She still picks on you about that?" "Every guy I talk to she does that. It's really annoying" I cuddle up to him. Did I say we're friends- or, very close friends? Perhaps you can say, Alex and I are friends with benefits.

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I walk in and see Alex, waiting on me. We bow to each other, we do that every time we meet each other. I had on my gym clothes already, my red leggings, matching crop zip-up jacket with my matching bra underneath and white Nikes, not to mention my signature ponytail. I had no idea that Alexander was a high school senior, he's 18, I'm 16, but he's homeschooled though. Over time we became really good friends. 

I at first wanted to build muscle to get back at Jessica, Shannon and Jaylen and a few others but it changed over to helping me get over my tough break up and working out for myself-for my health, mentally and physically and all of that is thanks to Alexander. On down the road, I learned that Alex had gotten out of a relationship that he broke off. His girlfriend was apparently this really sweet and quiet girl until she hung out with the wrong crowd, got into drugs and all, cheated on him a lot and even became abusive. 

So I think that's what made us closer as friends, us being in similar situations. "What are we doing today? Sit ups again?" I ask, not looking forward to doing sit ups. I'm not the best at them, my face gets red after one. "Hai, you guessed right this time!" he smiles. 

"Ugh. We did this yesterday can't I have a break?!" "That and push-ups or planks and weightlifting, so which one?" he raises a brow, I squint my eyes. "Never. Mind what I said" I sigh and lie down on the mat. Alex holds down my ankles. "Alright, come on." he says.

 I take a breath and struggle to pull myself up at first but then I got used to it after a few. I did five. "I can't do anymore!" I lie stretched out on my back, already exhausted. "If you could do 25 yesterday, you can do 30 today!" Alex says to me, gets up and sits right back down on my lower stomach. "Dude get off of me you're heavy!" 

"You're gonna do them like this anyway so you might as well get used to it! Sit. up. now. At least once with me on you." he crosses his arms. 

I look away and look back up at him, all I have to do is meet his face. I take a deep breath and prop myself on my elbows and look into his eyes. "I can't. I know you expect better of me but I- I just can't!" I huff.

"Dianna, you're the reason why I still stuck to training and I'm not going to give up on you that easily! You hear me?!" 

 I couldn't speak. ".....I'm confused. What?" "The time I took you in as my client was around the time I broke up with my ex and I was going to quit training, but then came in" he slightly blushes. "...You saying you like me or something dude? Isn't that a bit-" 

"No! No not like that! I just really like your personality is all. " his hand creeps up on mine, and the other caresses my cheek. I can't sit all the way up, I look down on his lips and pressed mine against his.

flashback end


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I still blush to myself at the thought of it every time. I felt uncomfortable about it at first considering I was 16 at the time, so we didn't do anything extreme until I turned 18- my current age, while Alex here is 20 right now. He turns 21 in June. 

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Yikes.....actually idk what so say so i said that. But uh, shocker huh? Also Dianna was going to be with a teacher- as a "to the side" kind of thing like with Alex. But  a younger teacher! But I said no cuz that's just weird. like huney no. 

Anyway, put on your seatbelts for the next part because the Halloween Party chapter is next!

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╚»★«╝ Fun fact! ╚»★«╝

Dianna is claustrophobic, Leo has a fear of heights, Travion has a fear of being alone, Victoria has a fear of needles, Valerie has a fear of surgery, Mitchell has a fear of rejection, Camille has a fear of humiliation and loneliness, Lucas has a fear of the ocean and Ariel has a fear of failure.


Oh and one last thing. I decided that for now, I won't be adding the pictures of the book characters. I might add a part for character descriptions but I won't add photos.

 Like would ya'll like a part where I just have a short description of who these people look like or you just wanna read on in the book like normal? I don't wanna do photos rn bc a lot happened in my other book that had photos of the characters in it so yeah that's why. 😗

ok now im done fr. ill leave you alone. :)

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