Ch. 2 M Y S T

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Camille's pov

The loud cheers of the audience blended somewhat with the loud music and the announcer on the speaker. I looked at the different dirt bike riders speeding on by, slinging dirt occasionally. The fans are at a distance so dirt and mud wouldn't get on us. I'm at the front lucky me. I'm watching an extreme motocross race.

 The racers have to go through a rough and rocky path, then the mountain climb- it's been known that some racers get hurt easily, so they have to know how to ride in those types of conditions. Some are first-timers, some are pros, some just want to try it out but you can tell who the pros are. There are a bunch of events and all of the riders have their own number. There are no girls in this, though both genders are welcome. I guess there aren't that many girls that wants to do a dangerous sport. 

There are a few riders out there who are popular among us fans, but there is one that everyone knows. The most popular dirt bike rider out there is, actually no body knows his name, but he goes by the name of Myst. He's my favorite rider out there! Plus he always has on his signature bright green race wear his matching dirt bike and black helmet. He has his name on on the back of his suit and helmet. He always has on his face shield that's black as night and no one can see through it. 

No body has ever seen his face or hear his voice before, when he won the championship 2 years ago the reporters asked his for his name, he got a notebook and marker from someone and wrote "M Y S T" after that everyone assumes he's just quiet or isn't able to talk. I mean, he only gives the basic "yes and no" motions with his head, a shrug, or hands- no sign language at all. I always ask my friend Dianna to come watch since she likes stuff like this, but she isn't into motocross. I would've though she'd like this since she likes motorcycles and dangerous stuff like this but eh. I wanted to get a motorcycle but my parents said maybe when I'm older, but they let me get a dirt bike instead. Weird.

 As I leaned on the metal fence watching along with the fans, cheering for the racers, the big one comes up- the mountain climb. You just ride your bike up the mountain, but the mountain is very steep, made of dirt, rocks and boulders and some trees and stuff on both sides, the goal is to make it to the top, or at least close to it- you only get one try unless you mess up at the start somehow. There is a wall of tires to grab onto if someone falls because the mountain climb is that hard to do.  At the top is a huge inflated finish line thing and the 5 that make it to the top and cross over the finish line wins $10,000 each. If no one crosses then it's the 5 who made it the closest to the finish line- unless someone crosses the finish line. It depends on how many make it to the top, if two people cross they get their money then the three who make it closest to the line get their money as well. Myst was the only one who crossed the finish line last year. 

One of the riders gets ready  and speeds up along the mountain, slips up on a rock and his bike flies into the air and tumbles all the way back down to the bottom. Another doesn't make it and he tumbled down and broke his leg.  More riders did their turn, some were close to the line but didn't cross over. Some riders slipped up on the mountain like most but a few bikes flew out of bounds into the abundance of trees. Then I hear the rhythm of cheers shouting  "Myst"

 I perk up and take my phone out. Maybe if I show Dianna this she might like it a little. "MYYYYSSSTTT!!!!" people started screaming and tried reaching for him through the holes in the chain link fence.

 He was too far anyway, I tried reaching too but to see him up close again, I can feel my heart beat through the fence somehow. I probably have a crush on him. Myst waves at us and we all scream and wave back. He was on his bike, and speeds off and goes up the mountain effortlessly and becomes the first to pass the finish line. Some more riders did their turn and only one other touched the finish line with his bike. After the event, a lot of the fans stayed for the interview and the photos of him holding his trophy. 

Myst never spoke, just nodded and shook his head to the questions, and sometimes wrote his answer on a dry erase board. "So how do you feel about being the first to cross the finish line Myst?" the reporter asks Myst, he wrote his answer on his board in his hand and shown it to the camera "TIRED." everyone laughed. 

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