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*Bianca's P.O.V*

I followed behind Narcissa as she led me to the room I would be staying in. She kept a grip on my elbow as she made sure I never fell to far behind her. I smiled innocently at her when she glanced back at me, making her raise an eyebrow.

"Are you mad at me? Don't be mad at me for being rude earlier," I whined as I pouted slightly. I frowned when she chuckled softly before pulling me close.

"Who said I was angry?" she questioned. "I am just thinking of all the ways I could punish you for your disrespectful behavior," she whispered in my ear, making chills run down my spine. "So I suggest you make sure to keep yourself in check for the rest of the day," she stated. I nodded as I took a shaky breath, pressing my thighs together.

"I will behave," I promised as I looked at her. She smiled slightly as she pushed a strand of my hair back.

"Good," she said simply before she grabbed my elbow again and started leading me to my room. I smiled when she finally stopped in front of a mahogany door, opening it for me. "You go first," she said. I nodded as I brushed past her, keeping my eyes on the ground. I looked up once I was in the room and smiled at the simplistic nature of it.

The bed had black sheets that looked extremely soft. On the head board there were some restraints, clearly having been installed by an expert. There was a chest at the foot of the bed and I knew that whatever it contained would be something fun. There was a whiteboard on the wall across from the bed which made me turn to Narcissa in confusion.

"What's the whiteboard for?" I questioned as I nibbled my bottom lip.

"You know how my rule section was fairly blank in the contract?" she questioned, earning a nod from me. "That's because most rules I like to set with my submissive, that way we can meet in the middle on them," she stated.

"Okay. Well what rules do you think we should make?" I questioned.

"Well the first rule I would like to create is what you are required to call me. What do you prefer to call your dommes?" she asked.

"I like to usually call my dommes Mistress," I answered softly, watching as the corner of her lips quirked up into a smirk.

"Great, that's what you will address me as at all times," she stated.

"Even in public?" I asked, making her nod. "Yes Mistress," I said. "What are some rules you want to create?" I questioned.

"I already have that you will have a curfew, disrespect is clearly not allowed, and neither is backtalk. If you need to voice your opinion, you can certainly do that but if you are backtalking just to backtalk there will be consequences," she stated. "Besides that are there any rules that Bella gave you that you would like to incorporate?" she asked.

"She always required me to wait until every conversation was over before I could speak and I kind of liked that," I admitted with a blush.

"I also made her kneel every time she wanted to speak to me or when I was speaking to others and she had to wait. A bit of a power trip now that I think about it," Bellatrix said from the doorway, making me spin around to face her. She giggled as she looked at me with a smirk.

"Yeah and I hated it," I stated as I stuck my tongue out. "Don't listen to her ideas, they're terrible," I told Narcissa as I turned around.

"I think making you kneel when I am busy speaking to others is a great idea," Narcissa said, making me whine.

"No, Bellatrix this is all your fault," I stated as I sulked. "You are both so mean to me," I said with a huff escaping my lips.

"You have not even begun to see how mean I could be to you," Narcissa said as she rolled her eyes. "However you could definitely see it if you would like to call me mean again," she stated.

"No thank you Mistress," I said as I looked down. I heard Bellatrix chuckle behind me as she approached me and brushed past me.

"Aww she's already calling you Mistress," Bellatrix said with a soft chuckle. I blushed darkly as I kicked the back of her leg when she walked past me.

"Bianca!" Narcissa exclaimed, her voice taking on a stern tone. "Apologize," she ordered.

"But...but...she was teasing me," I stuttered out as I looked at her with wide eyes.

"Apologize..." she stated, her tone giving off a warning.

"I am sorry I kicked you Miss Bellatrix," I said softly as I looked down at my feet.

"Now Bella you apologize to her for teasing her," Narcissa said.

"What are you talking about? Why should I apologize?" Bellatrix asked as she frowned deeply.

"You were teasing her about her calling me Mistress and you know it. Apologize now or you can leave the Manor," Narcissa stated.

"Fine, I am sorry I teased you Bianca," Bellatrix said after a moment. I shrugged as I went to Narcissa who wrapped her arms around me.

"Mistress, she was mean to me and I'm holding a grudge now," I stated, earning a soft chuckle from her.

"Don't hold a grudge, just ignore that she was mean and be thankful that you didn't earn a punishment for kicking her," she said as she moved my hair away from my neck and pinned it back as she kissed my neck gently making me shiver. "Now behave," she murmured as she gently nipped my neck, making me whimper from surprise.

"Yes Mistress," I said as I felt her hand slide up my back. "I will behave," I added, earning a soft chuckle.

"I know you will or else there will be some consequences," she stated. "Not that I would mind punishing you, I would rather enjoy punishing you," she pointed out.

"Get a room," Bellatrix said, making me blush as I glared at her.

"You are in my submissive's room, get out if it bothers you," Narcissa stated. I stuck my tongue out at Bellatrix, making her eyes narrow.

"Cissa, I'm this close to ripping her tongue out," Bellatrix stated.

"Don't you dare even think about touching her, she is mine," Narcissa said lowly, her voice husky in my ear. I shivered as I pressed my thighs together tightly.

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