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*Bianca's P.O.V*

"I'm having second thoughts, maybe I should just not go through with this," I said as I stared up at the Malfoy Manor. I backed up into Bellatrix who grabbed my arm and pulled me close, staring me in the eyes.

"Do you seriously want to back out now? Because if you can't even make it into the house before getting to know my sister then I doubt you would last as her sub," Bellatrix said, making me glare at her. She knew that I never backed down from the idea of being someone's sub so she was trying to rile me up.

"Shut the hell up, I'm allowed to be nervous," I replied as the door opened making me freeze up. I turned my head slightly, feeling a shiver shoot down my spine when I saw Narcissa staring at me. I felt heat spread all the way through my body as I stared at her, pressing my thighs together as her eyes roamed over me.

"Come in," Narcissa said, her voice of having a peculiar tone. I waited for Bellatrix to enter, following her inside. "Take your shoes off," she said to which I complied instantly. I looked at Bellatrix and was surprised to see that she still had her shoes on. "I was only speaking to you Bianca," Narcissa stated, making me nod my head. "Bella, you may do what you like while Lucius and I speak to Bianca," she said as she took my hand. I could feel my posture straighten up as I let her guide me down a hallway before turning into a room.

I looked around the room, it being a library sort of room. I gulped softly as I noticed Lucius sitting at a table with two chairs on one side and a single chair on the other. I watched Narcissa confidently move to the chair next to Lucius and I slowly approached the table, sitting down across from them.

"Lucius this is Bianca, Bianca this is Lucius," Narcissa said as she rested her hand on his shoulder. His grey eyes scanned over me before he leaned back in his seat. "Dear, you could at least say hi," she stated.

"Hello," he said as he stared at me. "My wife thinks you will be an adequate submissive to her, do you think that as well?" he asked, making me nod.

"I do think I am more than an adequate submissive for most so I assume that I can be adequate for your wife," I replied as I smirked slightly while looking him in the eyes.

"I like this one, you should keep her around for a while," he stated as he got up. "I have given my blessing when it comes to seeking out subs and she seems quite set on you. I assume I will be seeing you around," he said before he left.

"I think he likes me," I told Narcissa, making her chuckle as she brought out a pack of papers. "No, you're going to make me read these aren't you?" I asked with a pout on my lips. I groaned when she nodded as I took the stack of papers. "Can't you just sum it up?" I asked as I started to read down the page slowly.

"I could but I want you to read it all. I'm not my sister darling, I don't go easy on my subs. To sum it up however it is a trial week where you will live here and I can get to know you and so that I know what you're interested in," she stated making me scoff softly as I rolled my eyes. "I would suggest you watch every action you do when you're around me because I will punish you for every little thing you do," she warned, licking her lips when she saw me squirm.

"She would like that," Bellatrix said from directly behind me, making me jump slightly. "She's a brat and she loves punishment," she said as she leaned down, putting pressure down on my shoulders slightly. "Isn't that right?" she asked as she nipped my earlobe gently making me shiver.

"Stop, I have to read this," I whined as I leaned my head down to try and focus on the words on the paper. I managed to focus on the first few pages even though Bellatrix was teasing me the entire time. It didn't help that I was looking at all the rewards, rules, and punishments.

"Leave her alone Bella, she needs to focus on what she's reading," Narcissa said as she watched me like a cat stalking their prey. "I like watching her squirm without anyone even touching her," she stated as she licked her lips, a small smirk on her lips.

"Stop it, you're both impossible to deal with," I whined as I narrowed my eyes slightly to focus even more on what I was reading. "I agree to all this, where do I sign?" I asked as I looked up after a moment.

"You've read it all?" she asked, making me nod. "Even the safe word part of it?" she questioned with a tilt of her head.

"Green means good to go, yellow means to pause or slow down, and red is stop completely," I replied with a smile. "Now give me a pen so I can sign," I said as I held my hand out. She handed me a pen from out of nowhere and held on to it.

"You looked at all the kinks I do, am interested in, and dislike?" she asked, to which I nodded. "And you know that you have to fill out what kinks you like, are interested in, and dislike?" she questioned with a small smile.

"Yes ma'am," I nodded as I took the pen and signed under her part of the contract before moving on to fill out my kink section. It took me a little bit to finish writing everything out before I passed the contract back to her so that she could look it over and sign it. She took her time to read it before signing it.

"You do know that you also agreed to a curfew set by me right?" she asked, making me groan as I pouted.

"This is a trial remember, you won't punish me if I break your stupid curfew," I retorted making her eyes narrow.

"Try me and see what happens," she stated as she rested her head on her hands with a smirk.

Narcissa's bratOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora