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You all have to give me some more kink ideas. You can comment them or message me them because I would love to know what type of kinks you want to see in this.

*Bianca's P.O.V*

I hurried to the bar, feeling heat flood my body at the idea of getting caught. I knew it wouldn't end well simply because eavesdropping would end up getting me fired and Bellatrix hated when I eavesdropped. It was her biggest pet peeve when it came to others but it was something she loved to do to others. "I need two of Trixie's regulars," I said as I stood at the bar with a small, nervous frown.

"Ooh Bellatrix is here?" one of the other waitresses, Hannah, questioned as she smiled at me. "And two of her regular drinks? Either she is upset or she brought someone with her," she said as she frowned sympathetically at me. I knew she thought I may be upset because Bellatrix and I had a history but honestly it wouldn't have bothered me if Bellatrix had brought someone here.

"She brought her sister, Narcissa Malfoy, with her," I said, making Hannah's eyes widened. "Yeah," I sighed as I grabbed their drinks.

"Good luck girl, no one wants to deal with a Malfoy. At least it's not Lucius though," Hannah joked as I smiled at her before walking away. I made my way back to their private room as quickly as I could but also had to make sure I didn't spill a drop.

I know Hannah hadn't meant to upset me when she brought up Bellatrix's and I's history but it still sort of hurt to think about it. Bellatrix had been the perfect domme to me, making sure to care for me even in the deepest parts of our scenes. Her aftercare was always superb and she loved to tease me about how bratty I could be. Sadly our relationship hadn't worked out when we realized that Bellatrix needed someone to dote on and I needed someone to degrade me. We had tried to make it work by having an open relationship but in the end our relationship dissolved. It ended up being the best for both of us and Bellatrix was still a close friend of mine.

I pushed the curtain open and took the drinks to the table, setting them down in front of Narcissa and Bellatrix before stepping back. "Can I get you ladies anything else?" I asked, wincing at how much my voice trembled.

"I think we're doing just fine," Narcissa said as she dipped her finger into her glass and stirred her drink, pulling her finger out of the class and sucking the liquor off of it while maintaining eye contact with me. I forced myself to look away as I looked at Bellatrix who was smirking at me.

"I think we're good. You may want to come back in a few minutes though, my sister and I are feeling quite thirsty," she said as she winked at me, making me glare at her out of the corner of my eyes.

"Of course, I'll be back in a few minutes," I told her as I smiled at them before leaving. "Fucking Bellatrix," I muttered under my breath as I walked away. Bellatrix had done this on purpose, she knew how I felt and she had gone ahead and brought Narcissa here.

Bellatrix and I had had conversations about me finding another domme and she had brought up her sisters Andromeda and Narcissa. Andromeda was not a domme but she was very nice. I had taken to the idea of Narcissa being my domme as a joke, simply because of the aura she radiated and Bellatrix knew that I had always had a small crush on the woman. The way Narcissa moved and spoke always left me feeling enchanted when I saw her. I had never gotten close to her but some video clips and seeing her in the distance, today had been the closest I had ever been to her.

I felt like Narcissa had to know that I liked her, there was no way she would just dip her finger in her drink and suck the liquor off of it while looking directly into my eyes. God I needed to stop thinking about that, there was something just so attractive about it. I went about my business, serving other customers as I tried to get my mind off my thoughts of getting a domme. I really was starting to feel like maybe I wasn't ever going to get one again. It had been three years since Bellatrix and I had stopped being in a relationship and I still hadn't had a domme since her. I waited for a few minutes before returning to the private room. I froze when I realized Bellatrix wasn't there and realized that it was just me and Narcissa.

"Wher-where did Bellatrix go?" I asked as I shuffled nervously in place, meeting Narcissa's gaze as she stirred her drink with her finger while smirking at me.

"She had to run home for a moment," Narcissa stated as she licked the liquor off of her finger. I was definitely starting to think this was all on purpose, her way of trying to tease me. "You can come closer, I don't bite," she stated as she smirked.

"I didn't think you did but thanks for the reassurance," I said as I hesitantly walked closer, playing with my fingers as I looked down for a moment before looking up at her. "Why are you here in this pub? You do know that this is a kink club right?" I asked, wondering if Bellatrix had mentioned it.

"Yes, Bellatrix told me that this was a kink club," Narcissa said as she smiled. "Or well invited me to this club. I was looking into some kink clubs to visit and Bellatrix insisted I come here. She said it was a good club," she stated with a small shrug as her lips returned to their natural state of a sort of frown/grimace.

"Yeah it's a great club. You can find tons of respective doms and subs here. There's also great kink education if you're just getting into this type of lifestyle," I explained with a smile.

"I am well educated on many kinks in this world so I doubt I need any kink education. I have been a domme for years and I would be a poor domme if I did not research everything I or my potential sub could be interested in," Narcissa explained making me nod. "My sister told me that you used to be her sub but your needs differed from what she could offer," she stated.

"That is what happened but we are still good friends, she's been trying to set me up with dommes for a while now," I explained as I smiled softly, feeling my heartbeat start to calm down.

"I know, why do you think she invited me here?" Narcissa asked as she stood up, making my knees shake slightly as my heart started to race again. "And for reference love, make sure that next time you eavesdrop I can't see your heels under the curtain," she smirked as my mouth grew dry, my lips moving with no sound escaping them.

Narcissa's bratDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora