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*Bianca's P.O.V*

I followed Narcissa down the hallway, sticking to her right side. Whenever I tried to walk beside her, she would block me with her hand making me whine. "Dear, who is in charge here?" she asked softly.

"You are," I said with a sigh. "I still don't see why I can't walk beside you," I muttered.

"I am in charge and you having to walk behind me is a reminder of that," she stated as she smirked slightly while looking at me. "Don't you agree?" she asked.

"Yes," I said with a frown on my lips. "I mean it certainly reminds me that you're in control since you won't even let me walk beside you," I whined.

"Good, that's what I want you to be reminded of every time you're with me. I think in the long run it will help me keep you in control, it seems to work well on brats like yourself," she stated, making me give her a look of shock.

"I am not a brat. I have no clue where you got that idea from," I said as I crossed my fingers while hiding my hand behind my back.

"Uh huh, sure," she said as she paused in front of a door. "Would you like to see a room that we would be using if you became my submissive?" she questioned me. I nodded hesitantly and she raised an eyebrow while looking at me.

"Why are you looking at me?" I asked as I crossed my arms over my chest.

"I don't know if my sister ever required it although I'm pretty sure she did but you will verbally respond to my questions. Am I understood?" she asked, making me nod. She narrowed her eyes and I felt a chill go down my spine. I quickly understood my mistake as she continued to stare at me.

"Yes ma'am, you are understood," I said as I felt myself straighten up underneath her gaze. I tensed up, waiting for her approval of my response.

"Good girl," she praised, making me beam at the praise. There was nothing better than being praised by a domme or dom except maybe receiving a punishment from said domme or dom. She pressed her thumb against the door knob and there was a clicking noise before it opened up. I took a deep breath before following her into the room.

"Woah," I muttered as my eyes widened at everything the room contained. The back wall of the room had a bed in the middle of it with two x-crosses, one on each side. One was more padded then the other and seemed to be made for some comfort whereas the other looked like just leather with minimal padding inside to cause discomfort and was also tilted back slightly at angle.

I turned my head to the left and was surprised at the wall of restraints. There was handcuffs, rope, some silk looking scarves, and many other things. There was a dresser alongside the wall that I knew had to be filled with something which made me more desperate to look into it. I turned my head and felt a chill run down my spine as the right wall was covered in different items, all designed to bring either immense pain or pleasure. 

"Do you like it? I call it my lair," Narcissa said as she approached me, wrapping her hands around my waist as she rested her head on my shoulder.

"It's amazing," I whispered as I licked my dry lips. "Would we use this room often?" I asked quietly, my cheeks darkening slightly from the embarrassment of asking such a question.

"Depends on whether you want to use this room often or not.  I prefer using my bedroom sometimes but a majority of where we will be is completely up to you. Your comfort with our surroundings is more important than what I prefer," she said as she rested her hands lightly on my hips.

"I...I like it in here," I whispered, making her chuckle as I felt her shift in place slightly.

"I want to try something with you my dear," she said as she turned me around, her eyes roaming over me. "Kneel," she said, making my eyes light up at the command as I dropped down onto my knees in front of her. It had been so long since I had been given a command that I relished the idea of actually doing what she said. I placed my hands on my thighs while spreading my legs slightly. "Good girl," she said.

I stayed silent as I wriggled slightly in anticipation. Bellatrix hadn't even tried to give me commands except for our annual training session which was only once a year. I nibbled my bottom lip as I whined softly.

"So eager for me to tell you what to do. Maybe you're not such a brat after all. Lay," she said, making me lean forward slightly to rest on my elbows and knees. I slowly flattened the upper half of my body down and kept my eyes trained on her. "Hmph, we should work on your response time. You're a bit too slow for my liking," she said, making me huff.

"Well then maybe you should be quicker with your commands," I retorted as I glared at her, tensing up when she glared at me. "I'm sorry ma'am," I said as I bowed my head down.

"Stand up, now," she said, making me hurriedly stand up and rise to my feet as I kept my head bowed down. "Look me in the eyes and repeat what you said," she stated. I shook my head quickly as a small whimper escaped me. "Look me in the eyes and repeat what you said," she said.

"I'm sorry ma'am, I didn't mean to be disrespectful," I said softly as I looked up to meet her gaze. "It just felt like you were saying that my response to your commands weren't good enough so I got snappy with you," I muttered as I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Well I was simply stating that your response was slow for my liking. Bella probably trained you in the way she prefers but I like my subs to be much quicker," she explained before grabbing my elbow and leading me out of the room. "Let's go see the room you'll be staying in," she said.

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