Meet the parents

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*Bianca's P.O.V*

I stretched out slightly when Narcissa untied me although she remained over me. She leaned down and kissed me on the lips, biting my bottom lip as she pulled back. Her eyes stared directly into mine and I felt a chill run down my back as she grabbed my chin gently.

"You are beautiful my love," she murmured while looking down at me. She climbed off of me and smoothed out her dress robes. "Next time, do not just trail your clothes out across the floor," she stated as she summoned my clothes with her wand.

"Damned magic, always forget that I can do that," I muttered as I sat up. Narcissa stared at me and raised an eyebrow.

"You would need your wand for it and I do not see wand with your clothes," she stated. "Where is your wand at?" Narcissa questioned curiously.

"I forget to carry it with me," I said simply. "I'm a half-blood and I think my mum was hoping I was a squib if we're being honest. She taught me nothing and tried to Obliviate  me when I found out about Hogwarts," I answered quietly. "The charm messed up my mind and I find even now that my memory is bad," I stated simply. I had watched Narcissa's face as I spoke, noticing her reaction.

Her face seemed shocked and first before it slowly morphed into fury. Her wand quivered in her hand and I was surprised when she blasted the bedroom door with Reducto and it crumbled into small pieces. I clutched the blanket around me as she left the room, leaving me alone and confused

What was she angry about? Was she angry about what my mum had done or perhaps she was angry that I was a half-blood? Bella hadn't minded that I was half-blood but I hadn't taken into account that Narcissa may be a blood purist. I reached out and grabbed the clothes that Narcissa had left on the edge of my bed.

"Wingardium leviosa," I heard Lucius say and the blanket lifted off of me, becoming a curtain that shielded me. "Thought that light help you be able to get dressed with some privacy after Cissa blasted your door off," his voiced said. I quickly got dressed, not wanting to stay exposed and vulnerable for long.

"Thank you," I said as I ducked under the blanket curtain, giving him a small smile. He looked over me for a moment before smirking.

"Cissa has already left her mark on you," he chuckled slightly. "Wasn't very shy about making that known," he said, making me tilt my head. "Your neck," was all he said, making me blush as I remembered the hickeys that she had left.

"I forgot about those," I shrugged as I rubbed my neck. "I was a bit preoccupied after she left in a huff," I stated.

"Yes, what got her in such a huff? Normally I am the one destroying things when angry but to see her all mad about something is rare," Lucius said, making me frown.

"I..I just told her that I was a half-blood and that my mother didn't want me to know about the wizarding world so she obliviated me which is why I never remember to carry my wand," I said simply, looking at his arm which was concealed by his robes. I knew that he had the Dark Mark but I had never seen one so I was morbidly curious.

"Ah, that is why she went off to see Druella. Druella is a very talented potion maker and is quite versed in mind magic," Lucius nodded and pulled a wand from his robes. "Narcissa muttered something about you borrowing a wand before she Flooed away," he said as he offered me the wand.

I took it and felt my magic hum, noticing that this wand felt more comfortable than my wand. The wand Albus had given me and claimed would only work for me.

"Thank you Mr. Malfoy," I said as I bowed my head to Lucius, having spent time with Bellatrix and learning customs from her. In every way, socially, politically, and magically he was my superior and had gifted me something wonderful so it was best to show my respect.

"Don't thank me yet and call me Lucius. I think you'll need the wand when Druella comes, she'll be quite intent on investigating the little submissive two of her daughters have been with," Lucius chuckled.

"Are you spreading rumors about me Lucius Abraxas Malfoy?" A woman's voice said, making me look down the hallway. My eyes widened at blonde woman who seemed only a couple years older than Narcissa at best.

"I would never Druella," Lucius said as he approached the woman who held out her hand. He sighed and grabbed her hand, bowing and kissing it before slipping past her.

"Arrogant brat," the woman, Druella, muttered as she looked after him before approaching me. "Look at you, I can see why  Cissa and Bella love you," she said as she looked over me, her eyes lingering on my neck causing me to blush. Her eye color was much darker than Narcissa's and I felt extremely scared to meet her gaze.

"It's nice to meet you Mrs. Black," I said quietly as I kept my head bowed, having been taught the ways of pureblood society when I was with Bellatrix.

"Oh none of that, you will be family as soon as you and Narcissa officially become dom and sub. I can't wait for that, it's always lovely when her or Bella has a sub. Although, if we're being honest, I don't really like most of their submissives but you're different. My Bella gushed about you and has been smitten with you for years," Druella said with a smile. "Although I'm surprised that you're with Narcissa now. My girls never liked sharing and still act like children when it comes to sharing," she said with a smirk.

"Mum!" Narcissa's voice rang out, embarrassment coloring her voice as walked down the hall from where Druella had come from. "Leave Bianca alone. Your insane chatter will scare her away," she stated, making Druella narrow her eyes.

"You watch who you are speaking to Narcissa Malfoy. While some may let you tell them what to do, I most certainly will not," Druella said. "Spoiled children these days, thinking that they can tell their parents what to do," she stated.

"You always go off on those rants Druella as if you aren't the reason our children are spoiled," a man's voice said as an older man with hair darker than Bellatrix walked down the hallway, leaning on a cane for balance.

"Cygnus, look at this beautiful girl that our daughter's are so infatuated with. She's absolutely gorgeous isn't she love?" Druella said as her hand brushed against my arm.

"Yes my dear, our daughter's have impeccable taste which they got from their mother," Cygnus Black said, his voice holding no emotion.

"You're just flattering me," Druella said with a grin, her dark eyes glittering in the light.

"Obviously," Cygnus said blandly as he rolled his eyes. "Have to make the crazy woman I sleep next to every night happy if I want to live," he muttered to me as he moved past me to stand by Druella.

Not very exciting but I have plans for the next chapter.

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