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More sweet than smut this chapter but the next chapter I have planned more than makes up for it ;)

*Bianca's P.O.V*

Maybe I overestimated my ability to take such a spanking. I was still sore an hour afterwards so that is why I was sitting with Narcissa. Sitting wasn't technically the right word, I was laying on top of her with my face buried in between her breasts. We were both completely naked in her bed, too lazy to go get dressed.

"Your sister is a sadist," I muttered as she gently massaged lotion onto my ass. Narcissa chuckled softly, her chest vibrating slightly with the movement.

"You're fine love," Narcissa said as she used her free hand, the one without lotion, to tangle in my hair to pull my head up. "You're such a good girl," she said as she pressed a kiss against my lips. I whined as she nipped my bottom lip with a small smirk on her lips.

"Only for you," I murmured as I pulled back from the kiss after a moment.

"I know, only for me," Narcissa agreed as her nails gently scraped against my scalp. I groaned at the sensation, feeling my body relax under her gentle touch. I rested my head back on her chest with a small hum.

"I don't want to go to work tomorrow, my ass hurts," I complained as she reached her hand out to her bedside table, getting more lotion. I sighed contently at the cool feeling of the lotion.

"If you truly did not enjoy it, you could have used your safe word my love. I can also heal it if you want," Narcissa said, sounding worried.

"I did enjoy it when it was happening, I just like complaining afterwards," I informed her as I pressed a quick kiss to her lips. "Besides, I kind of like walking around with your sister's handprints on my ass," I teased.

"Watch it brat," Narcissa said warningly, her hand that was still tangled in my hair tugging gently. "I agreed to give you a break today out of kindness, I have no issue with leaving so many marks on you that you never even think of bragging about my sister's marks," she said. I flushed at her words, biting my lip at the thought.

" would you do that?" I asked, electing to ignore the fact that I stumbled over my words. She clearly noticed but chose not to say anything.

"I would tie you up, let you beg for it then I would leave hickeys over every inch of your body. I would love to leave my handprints of your ass and thighs," Narcissa sighed wistfully. I whined at the idea, rolling off of her to lay next to her.

"Oh no, I'm in the perfect position for you to tie me up and do those things," I said dramatically as I laid there. Her laughter was like music to my ears and I looked at her with a pleased smile on my lips.

"Oh sweet girl, the things I would do to you," Narcissa sighed wistfully. I turned on my side to get more comfortable, watching her with a small grin. She got up to get dressed leaving her spot on the bed open. I rolled over to take it, burying my face into her pillow. The smell of perfume was addicting, I was definitely going to steal some of it.

"Do I have to go to work tomorrow? I just want to stay with you," I muttered into the pillow.

"Yes you have to go to work, how else am I supposed to bring Bella and Andie to visit you?" Narcissa asked. I bolted up, looking at her sitting at her vanity. She was now wearing a white robe that was lazily draped over her shoulders.

"I'm getting a visit from all of you?" I asked as I climbed off the bed. I went to her closet to grab one of her robes, putting it on.

"Is that a problem?" Narcissa asked.

"The club might not survive with you three in it, I might not survive with you three in it," I said dramatically as I collapsed on the ground. "I'm not going to survive tomorrow, rest in peace, future me," I muttered.

"You're so dramatic," Narcissa sighed.

"Dramatic says you," I muttered as I laid on the floor. I suddenly pushed myself up, a frown on my lips. "I have to go write my will," I declared as I tied my robe into place.

"You absolute brat," Narcissa called after me. I turned around, placing my hands on my hips as I looked at her.

"Thanks, I'm modeling your behavior," I retorted before I turned and ran. I didn't look back as I ran, too afraid of seeing Narcissa chasing after me. I turned the corner, nearly running into Lucius who looked distinctly unimpressed to see me. "Is she chasing me?" I asked as he looked around the corner.

"No," he said as he rolled his eyes. "My wife doesn't chase after anyone, she's much more likely to apparate when you least expect it," he stated.

"I forgot she could do that," I whined as I hit my head against the back of the wall. "You should go distract her for me," I told him.

"Why would I do that?" Lucius asked curiously.

"Because I don't want to die," I said. "Plus I need to write my will, your wife decided to bring her sisters to my work tomorrow," I stated.

"Hmm, those three being together rarely ends well," Lucius muttered.

"That's what I thought as well," I said with a small grin. "Now go distract her," I said as I shoved him around the corner.

"Just for that I'm telling her,"  Lucius stated as he walked down the hallway.

"Bastard," I cursed under my breath as I took off down the hall. I managed to make it to my room, turning around to lock the door. I sighed in relief as I turned around, freezing when I saw Narcissa sitting on my bed.

"Devil woman," I said as I turned to unlock the door. She was a lot quicker than me, across the room in seconds as she pinned me against the door.

"Brat," she muttered as she pressed a kiss to the side of my neck, nipping it gently.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2022 ⏰

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