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This chapter is where things get a little more spicy aka this is where some sexual things start to happen.

*Bianca's P.O.V*

I wasn't going to lie about it, Narcissa had been on my mind since we talked during my shift last night. I could still feel where her nails had lightly scratched my back, having dug in just enough to be a reminder. I wondered what would happen if she ever really dug her nails into my back and how long I would be feeling it for. I bet anything she did would leave me both sore and happy for days. 

I groaned as I stretched out, jumping when my hand hit someone's arm. I turned to look to see Bellatrix laying beside me, staring up at the ceiling. "What are you doing here?" I asked, making her turn her head to look at me.

"Narcissa wanted to talk to you today since your day off is today. Is that okay?" she asked as she gently tugged a strand of my hair with a smirk. "Lucius will also be there so he can meet you," she stated.

"Yeah that's fine, go away," I groaned as I rolled over, grabbing her hand lightly and squeezing so she would let go of my hair. She let go and pushed me off the bed making me whine softly. I pushed myself up and stuck my tongue out making Bellatrix raise an eyebrow. "You can't punish me, you're not my domme," I pointed out with a smirk.

"Oh I'm going to make sure you pay for that. I'll tell Narcissa that you need to be punished every day because you're such a brat," Bellatrix threatened making me smile as I pressed my thighs together at the idea. "Or maybe I won't on the other hand. I don't want you getting to get rewarded for bad behavior," she stated.

"You know what would be a great punishment?" I asked with a sly smile. "If she tied me up and just edged me for the whole day, teasing me," I said while licking my dry lips.

"That's not a punishment for you, you would enjoy it far too much," Bellatrix rolled her eyes, making me pout slightly. "See I knew it," she said.

"You ruin all my desires," I muttered as I picked out my clothes for the day. I went with a black mesh top with a red set of lingerie, picking out a pair of combat boots. I went into my bathroom and stripped down, pulling my hair up in a bun and then putting on a shower cap. I didn't feel like washing my hair today so I wasn't going to because then I had to blow dry it and then straighten it.

I climbed into the bath, filling up the bathtub with hot water. I turned the jets on and leaned back, letting the jet hit me in the middle of the back. These jets were good for sore muscles or for having fun. It depended on my mood at the time and luckily I was just sore from moving around in my sleep.

I submerged myself under the water, leaving on the top part of my head above the water. I took in deep breaths as I felt the hot water press into my aching muscles. While not only was my job to serve and keep everyone happy, I also had to dance for some private rooms after Narcissa and Bellatrix's. I soaked in the water for a while before scrubbing myself clean and getting out of the tub, taking off the shower cap. I dried myself off before getting dressed, walking out and grabbing a black skirt. I put on a pair of thigh high stockings before putting on my combat boots. I tied them up tightly with a sigh as I looked at Bellatrix who was watching me.

"You look beautiful," Bellatrix said as she got up, walking towards me. I smiled softly at her as she looked me over, her lips pursed slightly.

"You can look but you can't touch," I said with a smirk on my lips as I put my hands on my hips. "I don't think Narcissa would be happy if you did," I teased with a laugh escaping me.

"If you keep acting like a brat then I'll give you a bruised ass which I'm sure Narcissa wouldn't mind," Bellatrix stated as she rolled her eyes. "In fact why don't we ask her when we see her?" she asked.

"I don't think we should do that, not at all," I said as I squeaked at the idea, a shiver running down my spine. On one hand she probably would go through with the threat which was exciting, on the other hand I really enjoyed sitting down without crying.

"I think we should, I definitely think we should," Bellatrix laughed as she licked her lips while staring me in the eyes, biting her bottom lip as her eyes ran over my body. "You still are as beautiful as you were three years ago," she stated.

"Excuse you ma'am, your sister is considering me as her sub. Have some respect," I laughed as Bellatrix snorted softly.

"My sister is willing to share with me, I asked," she stated making my eyes widen at the idea. "That is if you don't mind," she smirked knowing that it wouldn't bother me in the slightest.

"You can't mess with me like that," I said as I pressed my thighs together. "You're messing with me right?" I questioned while looking her in the eyes.

"Nope," she said as her tongue poked out slightly as she narrowed her eyes. "I don't joke about things like that. Narcissa is willing to share you with me if you're okay with that," she stated. I was still in love with Bellatrix but I had suppressed my feelings towards her knowing that I needed more than she was comfortable with providing. Whenever I thought about the perfect domme, Bellatrix was the one to come to mind. She always took great pride in making me happy and making sure her aftercare was  superior over any other dommes.

"Why wouldn't I be okay with that?" I asked as I smiled. "Can we go now? We can waste time and such until Narcissa is ready for us to talk but I don't care what we do, I'm just excited," I stated honestly.

Narcissa's bratWhere stories live. Discover now