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*Bianca's P.O.V*

"I never eavesdropped on any conversation so I don't know what you're talking about," I said as I stared into Narcissa's piercing eyes.

"Want to try that again but without the lying and shaking knees?" Narcissa asked as she walked around me, her hand pressing against my back. I straightened up as I sucked in a small breath, her nails lightly scraping my back.

"I am not lying," I said as I looked straight ahead, keeping my eyes off of Narcissa as she stood in front of me with a frown.

"I suggest you stop lying before it ends badly for you," Narcissa warned as she tilted my head up, forcing me to maintain eye contact. I felt both the brat part of me and the part of me that loved praise fight to take control. I looked Narcissa in the eyes with a frown, sticking my tongue out with a smirk. "Ooh," she said as she tightened her grip on my chin while shaking her head.

"Sister, I told you she was a brat," Bellatrix's voice sounded from behind us. "Bianca, knock it off," she stated as she walked past me.

"Or what?" I asked with a smirk on my lips as I stared at her with an excited grin on my lips.

"Knock it off," Narcissa said, making me close my mouth. It wasn't fair that pretty women with dominant attitudes could make me shut up, it only happened when I had a crush on them too.

"See? I told you she can behave when she wants to," Bellatrix stated with a small smile on her lips. "Bianca, sit down," she said. I reluctantly sat down in the booth, looking at Narcissa who sat beside me.

"Why the hell did you try and hook me up with your sister?" I questioned making Bellatrix shrug. "Answer me," I said while glaring at her.

"Because you like my sister and she wants a sub so I figured it worked out perfectly," Bellatrix said with a sigh. "Besides, if it wasn't for me then you would have never met her so you would just be alone with your little crush for the rest of your life," she smirked as I blushed. I picked up a packet of sugar and threw it at her.

"Stop," Narcissa said, making me look at her. I opened my mouth with a frown on my lips as I tried to explain. "I do not care what my sister does to tease you, you will not act like a brat by throwing stuff at her," she scolded, making me look down.

"I told you she would listen to you," Bellatrix said, I could practically hear the smirk in her voice. "She's very good at listening when it comes to me usually but she's not used to another domme around so she tries to push to see who will take control. She only pushes both of us because she doesn't have a domme because if she did she would listen immediately...most of the time," she stated.

"Alright well that's interesting but you know that most of the time doesn't work for a domme like me. I respect the best behavior out of my subs all the time unless they're not feeling well," Narcissa said, making me look at her. "What?" she asked as she arched an eyebrow.

"I'm suddenly feeling lightheaded," I said as I fell over, my head resting on her lap as I looked up at her. She looked down at me and I could see she was fighting a smile as the corners of her mouth twitched.

"I'm so sure you are," Narcissa rolled her eyes as her fingers gently ran through my hair. "I'm sure you are," she murmured as she looked up at Bellatrix.

"Cissa, all of your subs haven't lasted with you because you're extremely demanding of them with your expectations. Bianca hasn't had a domme since me because she pushes too much. I think you could both teach either some things," Bellatrix explained.

"We don't even know each other," I pointed out. "Besides our kinks may not even match up," I stated with a frown.

"Get to know each other, have a discussion and be blunt about what you need and Bianca I know what my sister is into and it's right up your lane," Bellatrix stated with a laugh escaping her lips. "Why don't you spend the rest of your shift talking?" Bellatrix asked.

"Because my boss would fire me, I should get back to work now," I said as I got up and climbed over Narcissa's lap. Her hands gently grabbed my hips as she helped me climb over her lap.

"We don't have to talk tonight Bianca but I would love to speak to you sometime soon. I think you might be what I need," Narcissa stated as she stood up. "Will you please give me the honor of getting to know you?" she asked.

"Narcissa Malfoy asking to please get to know me?" I questioned as I looked at her with wide eyes. "I am so down to get to know you, any time that I'm not working that is," I said with a smile. "But aren't you married to Lucius? How would he feel about you talking to me?" I questioned softly.

"Lucius and I have an open marriage. Besides he is busy most of the time and knows of me needing a sub. If you were to agree to be my sub then you would get to speak to him too so that you know I'm not lying and then of course we would have to go over the agreement in written words just so we both know what is going to happen from a legal standpoint," Narcissa promised me as she smiled.

"Alright. Just tell Bellatrix when you want to talk to me and I'll arrange my schedule to accommodate it," I said.

"Oh no, I can't ask you to do that. I'll arrange the time based on your schedule so you don't have to worry about moving things around," Narcissa promised me. "And of course I will need your schedule to know what it is," she said.

"Oh um...I don't have it memorized right now. I'll write it down and then Bellatrix can give it to you," I said with a smile.

"So now I'm the middleman?" Bellatrix asked, making me stick my tongue out at her. She smirked at me while rolling her eyes.

"Yeah and get used to it," I said as I giggled softly with a small smile. "I'll talk to you later Narcissa," I said as I waved at her before leaving, winking at her as I bit my bottom lip. 'Oh how much fun we would have if she was my domme,' I thought as I went back to serving, very aware of her gaze following me as I moved from table to table. I turned to look and the curtain closed which caused me to smirk while going back to serving.

Narcissa's bratWhere stories live. Discover now