Chapter 3

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The next morning, I wake up to find myself alone in bed. Slowly, I climb out of bed, still naked though. The room is cold, which makes my nipples harden and stick out. I walk around the bed, seeing that Johnny's suit that he wore yesterday was on the floor, so I grab his white button-up shirt and put it on. Opening the door and stepping out of the master bedroom, I see Johnny in the kitchen – cooking breakfast. It surprises me to see him in the kitchen, making breakfast for us. He's shirtless, only wearing his pajama pants, which makes me bite my lower lip as I admire his fit yet muscular back. I walk from the entrance of the bedroom to the kitchen, taking a seat at the dining table. I see him scrambling up some eggs, popping in a couple of pieces of bread in the toaster, and walks over to the refrigerator. He opens the door for the refrigerator, grabbing the glass pitcher of orange juice and sets it down at the dining table, only to see me sitting down at the table. A big smile draws on his face, as he sees me and said, "Good morning, my beauty." I smile back at him, then biting my lower lip as I admire his

shirtless body.

"Good morning," I said.

"Hungry?" he asks.

"Famish," I answer.

"Well good, because I'm making eggs with some toast. If you want jam, let me know. I have grape, strawberry, and peach," he explains.

"Jam would be nice. Just grape for me," I said. He smiles some more, walking away, and goes back to the refrigerator. He opens the door, grabbing the grape and peach jam, and takes it to the table. He sets both down, and goes back into the kitchen to finish making breakfast. He finishes in a matter of minutes, grabbing a couple of plates and filling both with scrambled eggs and two toasted pieces of bread. He walks back over to me, taking a seat next to me and sets down the plates. The table was already set when I sat down, so I grab my spoon and reaching over to the jars of jam. I grab the grape, which is my favorite, opening it, getting a half of spoon of it, and then spreading it on my bread. He watches me carefully, seeing every move I made as I prep my toast before eating it. He grabs the Tabasco sauce bottle, pouring some on his eggs, and stirring it up before eating. He then does the same to his toast, except his puts peach jam on his toasts instead of grape. I smile at him, while his doctors up his breakfast. I take a bite of my eggs, tasting that there aren't any salt or pepper on it, so I reach over for the shakers. I doctor up my eggs, stirring up, and taking another bite of my eggs.

"How does the eggs taste?" he asks.

"Delicious," I answer. He smiles and I smile back, and we continue to eat our breakfast. As we have our breakfast, Johnny asks me, "Any special plans for today at work?"

"Just the usual, scheduling artist for their next gallery showing. In fact, I'm going to do a challenge today," I answer.

"Oh really? Please do tell," he said.

"Taking on someone new in the art industry, but graduated of course," I explain so far.

"Oh really? Who is the person?" he asks.

"Her name is Sara Eskandari. She just moved here, and wants to get her name out to the word," I explain.

"Very interesting," he said. He's intrigue I know it. "What kind of work does she do?" he asks. Taking a sip of my orange juice before answering his question, "Um 2D design."

"Alright, sounds like fun. Are you having a meeting with her today?" he said.

"No, I'm going to be calling her today to set up a meeting with her, and ask her to bring all of her work to the office, so that I can see what's worth showing," I explain.

"Sounds like a good plan," he states.

"Mhm," I said, "What about you?"

"Meetings, meetings, and more meetings," he answers. I couldn't help, but chuckle and shake my head.

Enough (Book 2 of Unbearable)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum