Chapter 14

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We arrive to Dr. Turner's safely and Thomas helps me out of the car. Thomas's phone goes off and he quickly answers it.

"Burns," he answers. It goes quiet as he's on the phone and he locks his eyes on me. My stomach drops as soon as he makes eye contact with me. That isn't a good sign. Thomas hangs up the phone, putting it back in his pocket.

"Was that Johnny?" I asks.

"It was," he answers. I fold my arms across my chest, making eye contact with him and asks, "What did he say?"

"He wanted to know why you haven't responded back to the last text message he sent you," he answers. Are you fucking kidding me right now? Jesus Christ, Johnny! I rolls my eyes and shake my head, pissed off as usual. We walk together to go inside, taking the elevator up, and ending up on her floor. Thomas lets me out of the elevator first and follows me behind, but he reaches for the door and opens it for me.

"Thank you, Thomas," I said as I enter the office. Dr. Turner's assistant, quickly gets up from her chair and greets us with a smile on her deeky face.

"Good morning, Ms. Edmondson. Are you here to see Dr. Turner?" she said.

"Yes, I am? How did you know?" I asks.

"Mr. Burton gave me a call to give me a heads up that you were on your way over to meet with her today," she answers. That jerk. A quick smile comes across my face and said, "I see. Will you let her know that I'm here and will wait for her until she's ready to see me?"

"Of course, Ms. Edmondson. Just have a seat and she'll be right with you," she said. I smile again, walking away from her to take a seat in the waiting room. Once I've sat down, I quickly pull my phone out of my purse and unlocking it. I open up the text message conversation with Johnny and immediately abuse the shit out of my phone. Punching every letter on my phone hard.

"Why did you go out and call Dr. Turner for me to give her a heads up on me showing up?! I could have done that myself," I exclaim through the text message. I close my phone up only for it to buzz. I look at it and see a response from Johnny. I open the text and says, "I had a feeling that you wouldn't call to give her a heads up on you paying a visit. That's why I did it. You're welcome." I purse my lips, still pissed off, so I lock my phone. I hear a door open and look at the direction where the sound was coming from and see Dr. Turner appear.

"Tess, come on in," she said. I get up from my chair, putting my phone in my purse and make my way over to her.

"How are you?" she asks as she extends her arms out as if she's going to give me a hug. I walk closer to her and smile for a moment. I look back at Thomas and said, "Wait for me." Thomas gives me a nod and sits back down in his chair in the waiting room. I walk over and take a seat in her dark grey chaise longue, as she takes a seat in her nice Fulbright Office Chair Luxe Navy Vegan Leather with gold accent legs and handles. She grabs her black leather notebook and her calligraphy pen, that writes purple.

"You had another one didn't you?" she asks. I turn my head to look at her immediately, surprise to know that information and the only person that I can think of is, Johnny.

"He really doesn't leave much information about me, doesn't he?" I said in a pissed off tone. She smiles, shaking her head, and said, "No, he doesn't. Just shows how much he cares about you." I roll my eyes and shake my head, putting my hands together and setting them down on my stomach.

"What was the nightmare about?" she asks.

"The wedding. Pamela and her dad, coming and ruining everything," I answer.

"How is that even possible for them to even appear to the wedding? They're in tight security," she explains.

"Don't you think I don't know that, Andrea? That's what I fear the most. Is that they're plotting a way to break out or escape from prison, coming after us," I explain. Dr. Turner takes down notes of everything I'm explaining or what is on my mind.

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