Chapter 11

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"Tess, baby? Wake up. We're home," Johnny said softly as he tries to wake me up. My eyes open slowly, scanning the area and see that we're still in the plane, but we're not moving.

"Are we home?" I asks.

"Yeah, just landed," he answers. He unbuckles my seatbelt, putting his arms underneath my body, and lifts me up from my chair. He carries me out of the plane. I have my arms wrap around his neck as he carries me down the stairs. Thomas already outside of the car and waiting for us, quickly opens the back door for us.

"Welcome home Mr. Burton," Thomas greeted.

"Thank you, Thomas. Take us home, please," Johnny said. Thomas nods his head and said, "Yes, sir." Johnny slides me into the car first, and joins me. Thomas closes the door for him, getting inside, and waits for Anthony to put our suitcase in the car. Thomas takes off from the airport, heading to Johnny's condo. I fall back asleep, considering the fact that it's the middle of the night.

Another hour gone by and we make to the condo building safely. Thomas gets out of the car, walking over to the back door to open it for Johnny. He slides out of the car, looking at Thomas and said, "I'll take it from here Thomas. Can you help us with the bags please?" Thomas nods his head, walking to the back of the SUV.

"The shopping bag, it's Tess's. Take it to her side of the closet please," Johnny orders. Thomas nods his head again while grabbing the bags. Johnny leans over into the car, grabbing and dragging me out. He lifts me up, carrying my sleepless body up to our home. Our security guard rushes over to the entrance of the building, opening and holding the door for the boys.

"Thank you John," Johnny thanks.

"You're very welcome, Mr. Burton," John responds. Johnny and Thomas walk over to the elevator; Thomas pushes the "up" button for the elevator and they wait. I make a soft moaning noise, so Johnny looks down at me.

"Where are you taking me?" I asks.

"To our home," Johnny replies.

"Oh, okay. I'm going to go back to sleep," I said.

"That's fine baby, go back to sleep," he said. So I did, falling right back to sleep. The elevator shows up, Johnny and Thomas go inside. One of them pushes the floor number where the condo is, and the doors close shut.

"Anything special happen while we were away?" Johnny asks.

"No, sir. The police did a full investigation of how Pamela manage to get inside the condo," Thomas responds.

"And? Any luck?" Johnny asks.

"Yes. Apparently, she manage to convince one of the security guards, who it was their first day or night working, to let her in because she forgot her keys at her office," Thomas explains.

"Jesus christ. Did they fire those two idiots?" Johnny said.

"Yes, they did," Thomas answers.

"Good. God damn, fucking idiots. If they're not on the list of who is allowed into residents' condo, they are NOT allowed PERIOD! I'll have a word with the property manager first thing tomorrow morning. This is absurd. Well hopefully, we've seen the last of Pamela and her dad. They kidnap Tess while we were in Houston, visiting her mom. Pamela and her dad raped me and her at a hotel that they were staying in," Johnny explains.

"Jesus, are you alright?" Thomas asks.

"I'm fine. I'm more mainly worried about Tess," Johnny answers. As soon as he said that, Johnny looks down at me with a concern expression. The elevator comes to a complete stop and the doors open. Johnny and Thomas walk out, walking down the hallway to the front door of the condo. Thomas already having the keys in his hand, unlocks and opens the door for Johnny.

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