Chapter 18

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The next morning, Johnny and I are at the office working our ass off because we have a showing to prepare Friday night, which is literally two days away. Amy being my trooper, manage to take care of the bartending and catering. My office phone goes off and I answer it immediately.

"This Tess," I answer. Shit, it's the artist. I forgot that we were having a meeting today to finalize the showing.

"Yes, that's correct. Our meeting is still set for two o'clock this afternoon. I will see you then," I explain and hang up the phone. I take a breathe and hear the door knocking.

"Yes, come in," I said.

"Hey honey," Johnny said. I look up and see him, all dressed up and looking handsome as ever. So much of me wants to take him on my office desk. I could care less if people saw. I want him and now.

"Hey, what's up?" I asks.

"Nothing, just checking in on you. You doing alright?" he said.

"Yeah, just busy. I forgot that I have a 2:00 meeting with the artist today, to finalize everything for the showing this Friday," I answer.

"Oh, okay. Guess we don't have time to grab lunch, huh?" he asks.

"What time is it?" I asks.

"Almost noon," he answers.

"We have time. I just need to be back here by 1:30, if that's alright with you," I explain.

"Okay, that's fine. Drop everything and let's go. Thomas is waiting for us outside the building," he said. I do as I'm told and follow him out of my office. I stop and turn around to speak to Amy.

"Hey, I'm going out to lunch. If you want to take a lunch break, you're more than welcome to," I said.

"Sure thing. Thank you, Tess," she said. I smile and resume my walk with Johnny.

We meet with Thomas downstairs and outside of the building, seeing him stand beside the vehicle and waiting for us.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Burton and Tess," he greets.

"Hello Thomas," Johnny said. Thomas opens the back passenger door for us and Johnny allows me in the car first, and then he follows. After the three of us get in the car and settle in, Thomas looks at us through the rearview mirror and asks, "Where do?"

"Take us to a Panera Bread, Thomas. Thank you," I said. Thomas puts the car on drive, looking before taking off, and we're on the road. As we're on our way over to lunch, I feel my phone buzzing and I dig around to find it. I pull it out of my purse. It's a text message from Regina. Oh boy. I read the text message and my mouth drops in surprise. Johnny sees it and asks, "What is it?"

"Regina is done with the wedding plans," I answer.

"Really?" he said.

"She even has the date set," I said.

"What date did she pick?" he asks.

"October 12th," I answer.

"Alright," he said. We make eye contact in surprise. I never expected that we would have the wedding ready to go. Immediately, I respond back to her text message.

"Thank you, Regina for doing this for us. We really appreciate it," I said. I put my phone back in my purse and stare out the window. I can't believe that Regina was able to have everything ready for the wedding. Just hope that she doesn't butcher it. I'll need to schedule a meeting with her at least a month before the wedding. My phone goes off again and I grab it from my purse. Regina replies back, "You're most welcome. I can't wait for you guys to see the final preparation." I text her back and asks, "Is there a way we can schedule a meeting for us to see the final preparations?" Another text back from her.

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