Chapter 24

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Two months later...

"Wake up, Tess! It's your wedding day!" Regina shouts. My eyes pop open quickly after hearing Regina shout. She comes around the corner, grabbing the sheets and pulling them back. She yells and quickly covers myself up.

"Do you always sleep naked?" she asks, embarrassing. I turn around slowly to lay on my back of the bed, my hair a complete mess.

"Had a little midnight snack," I said. She folds her arms across her chest and ticks at me.

"Shame on him. Johnny knows better that it's bad luck to see the bride before the wedding," she said. I laugh, fixing my hair a little bit and said, "Technically, it wasn't the day of the wedding."

"It doesn't matter. He shouldn't have been in here. How did he know how to get inside?" she said. I laugh again and answer, "He has his way. You should have known that already." She shakes her head and says, "Get up! Time to get you at least decent, to go to the venue." She hands me a champagne flute, clinks her glass against mine and leaves the room. Once I was in the clear, I chug my champagne and dive underneath the covers, seeing Johnny underneath.

"Did she see me?" he asks. Smiling ravishing, I reply, "Nope." He smells my breath and asks, "Do I smell champagne?" I laugh and said, "Maybe." He rolls on top of me, staring deep into my eyes and said, "Today is officially the day that I marry you. In front of family and friends, and the press." He leans in, kissing me romantically and slowly pulls back. He looks down and sees the scar on my chest. A frown draws across his face. I notice it quickly.

"Hey," I call. He makes eye contact with me again.

"Yeah?" he answers.

"You okay?" I asks.

"Yeah, it's just your scar," he answers. I look down at it, and then look back at him. I caress his face, keeping my eyes at him.

"It's just a scar. Nothing more. Pamela is gone for good. She can't do anymore harm to us," I explain. He nods his head and says, "I promise to you that no harm will come to you and us. I will protect you from any danger." I smile at him and say, "I know and I'll do my part as well." He cups my face, caressing my cheek softly, and then leans in slowly to kiss me softly. I return this kiss to him, wrapping my arms around him. He pulls back, those icy blue eyes reopen and lock on me.

"I should probably go and head to the venue," he said. I giggle and said, "Yes, you should." He gives me one kiss before he leaves. After he left, I get up from the bed walking to the dresser to grab some clothes to throw on. I walk over to the bathroom, seeing how fucked up my hair is. I put it up in a messy bun style, and then walking out of the bathroom and bedroom. Mom, Regina, Mrs. Burton stand up from the sofa, smiling with glee and excitement.

"The bride is awake!" Regina exclaims. Mom and Mrs. Burton walks over, giving me warm hugs and kisses.

"You ready?" mom asks. I nod my head, eyes watering up from both of us. She gives me one big hug, pulling away afterwards. The four of us walk out of the condo, heading to the venue.

Inside the bride's dressing room, I'm dressed in my white wedding dress that mom and I picked out when I was home. I feel butterflies in my stomach as it's getting close to me walking down the aisle.

"Can everyone clear the room, please? I want to speak to my mom alone," I request. Without hesitation, the crowd leaves. Mom gets curious.

"Everything alright?" she asks. I smile, nodding my head.

"Yeah, I just wanted to have time along with my wonderful mom," I answer. She smiles, eyes water up and quickly wipes them away.

"While Johnny and I were hiding from Pamela, we decided to get married," I confess. Her smile disappears and looks surprise.

"It was something unexpected and we did it on a whim," I explain.

"Why didn't you tell me? I could have been there," she said.

"Because I didn't want you to come where we were hiding. It was too much of a risk. We already had Regina and Thomas's little sister. That was enough risk as is," I explain. She nods her head and says, "I understand."

"Right now, this is a wedding for everybody that we invited to this wedding ceremony," I said. She nods her head. We hear a knock on the door and it opens slowly. Regina pops out and says, "It's time." We nod our heads and quickly wipe out tears.

"You'll ruin your makeup honey," Mom says. We laugh together as we continue to wipe the tears off. Regina opens the door more, so that I can be able to walk out without difficulties. I let mom walk out first and I follow. My heart beats fast and hard against my chest. We stand at the entrance of the ceremony room. Doors closed completely. Mom and I stand next to each other. Regina quickly fixing the train on my dress. We hear the introduction of the song that is pick out for me to walk down the aisle. I couldn't help, but roll my eyes and shake my head as I listen to the music.

"Of course she would pick this song," I comment.

"What song is it?" Mom asks.

"Thousand Years, but it's just the symphony version," I answer. My mom gave an "Oh okay" expression while nodding her head. Regina walks over to my side and asks, "Ready?" I give her a nod to answer her question. Regina gives the signal for the door men to open them. The doors slowly open outward. All of our guests stand up and turn to look at me. My stomach drops as all eyes were on me, including Johnny. I see him all the way down the aisle, looking fucking gorgeous in his three peice suit. Mom and I slowly begin walking down the aisle. I take deep breaths as I walk down and walk closer toward Johnny. Why am I getting the same feeling as I did when we did this the first time? As I walk closer to him, I see him tearing up and immediately, I react the same way. Fuck me! Mom and I stand a few inches away from Johnny and the officiant.

"Who gives this woman to be married to this man?" asks the officiant.

"I do," Mom answers. I turn my head to look at her, holding a smile on my face, and admiring this woman. Mom and I turn to face each other. She takes both my hands to her lips, kissing them softly, and then releasing them to give me a hug. She takes her leave and sits next to Uncle Robert. They hold hands and watch the ceremony. I turn around to face Johnny. Quickly, I hand my bouquet over to one of my bridesmaids, and taking Johnny's hand. I take a long and hard deep breath, as well as Johnny. The officiant begins to speak his introduction to the ceremony. Johnny and I lock our eyes at each other, admiring each other. Johnny slowly mouths out, "You're beautiful." I blush, smiling big and mouth out, "So do you." He chuckles softly. The officiant allows Johnny to say his vows.

"Tess, I've been waiting for this moment for quite some time. I promise to love you, cherish you, and take care of you, in sickness and in health. I promise to protect you from any danger that comes our way. I promise to respect you fully," he said. I smile again. The officiant hands Johnny my ring that I had to return for this day. He slides the ring back into my finger. Now, it's my turn to say my vows. I take another deep breath.

"Johnny. My love. My pride and joy. I never thought or imagine that I would be in this position. Marrying the man I love and adore. I promise to cherish you. Love you unconditionally. I promise to obey your every decision. I promise to take care of you, in sickness and in health for as long as we both shall live. I promise to respect you fully, as well. I promise to protect you from any evil. I love you Johnny with all of my heart," I said. The officiant hands me Johnny's wedding band, I kindly take it and slide into Johnny's ring finger. Our hands embrace each other.

"And now, by the power vested in me by God and by the state of New York. I pronounce you husband and wife. Johnny, you may kiss your bride," said the officiant. Johnny doesn't waste any time. He pulls over the veil, cupping my face, and slowly pulling me in for a kiss. We embrace passionately, kissing lovingly. Crowds stands up, clapping and cheering as we kiss. We pull back, turning around to face the guests.

"LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, IT GIVES ME GREAT PLEASURE TO INTRODUCE MR. & MRS. JONATHAN BURTON!!" announce the officiant. The room fills up with laughter, cheers, and clapping. Johnny and I stand at the podium, smiling.

I am officially Mrs. Johnny Burton...Johnny's wife.


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