Chapter 8

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We pull into a parking lot inside the garage and Thomas gets out of the car nonchalant, walking to my side, and opens the door for me. I climb out first, Johnny scoots over to my side and gets out as well. We follow Thomas inside the building and to the elevator. My heart still beating of fearing how much damage did Pamela do inside the condo.

Thomas unlocks the door of Johnny's condo and pushes it open so that Johnny and I can go in first. However, I let Johnny go before me because it's his place. I slowly follow him from behind and see everything destroyed. Every vase is broken. All cushions from chairs and pillows were torn open and the filling is pulled out. All furniture knocked over and destroyed. I walk over to the kitchen, seeing every dish that was inside the cabinets out and in pieces.

"Be careful where you step Tess," Johnny yells. I turn my head to look at him and give him a nod, understanding, and resume my walk-through of the damaged condo. Johnny goes into his study room and I walk over to the master bedroom. As I enter, all of Johnny's clothes scatter the entire area as well as his shoes and ties. His clothes aren't torn apart. Unfortunately, my clothes are shredded as if Pamela had a pair of scissors and cut my clothes. What kind of person would do something like this? Johnny comes into the room a few minutes later and sees what I'm seeing.

"Jesus christ," he said.

"My clothes," I said. I grab some and hold them in my hands, in complete shock. Majority of them are mine that I bought, as for the rest Johnny bought. Johnny walks into the bathroom and comes back out seconds later. Thomas finally joins us and Johnny turns to look at him.

"Does my uncle know?" he asks.

"Yes, I've already informed him. He's on his way as well as a few other police officers to do an investigation," Thomas answers.

"Why do an investigation? We already fucking know who did this!" he said, pissed. I know he's mad and frankly, I don't blame him. Thomas doesn't say anything. Instead, he lowers his head as if he did something wrong like a child who got into big trouble. My eyes water up as I stare down at the messed up room. Johnny continues to look at the room, and walks over to me. He places both his hands on my arms, rubbing them up and down.

"Are you okay?" he asks.

"Why did she do this?" I asks. He lets out a sigh, continuing to rub my arms and said, "I don't know. To scare us I think."

"Well, it's working for me. I'm scared," I said. His wraps his arms around me, holding my body close to him from behind, and whispers, "I won't let her hurt you or get to you. Understand? I'll protect you."

"I know you will Johnny, but I'm more worried about you. I know what she did to you when you guys were teenagers. I know what her parents did to you, and it is some fucked up shit. I want to protect you from her and from her fucked up parents," I explain. He holds me closer and squeezes me a little harder, making it a little hard to breathe. He kisses left tricep area gently and leans his head to mine, and letting out sigh. I remember him going into the bathroom and coming back. He didn't even stay in there very long, maybe two seconds.

"You didn't stay in the bathroom for long," I said.

"You don't want to go in there," he said. Oh now I'm curious! I pulls his arms off of me and walk toward the bathroom. Johnny turns around to catch and stop me from going in, but it's too late. As soon as I walk in, the entire mirror of the bathroom was covered with red lipstick.

"Tess," he calls. I stand in the bathroom, staring at the lipstick cover mirror. She wrote a message.

"YOU DON'T BELONG WITH HIM! HE'S MINE! HE'S MINE! YOU DON'T BELONG WITH HIM! WHORE! SLUT! BITCH! HE'S MINE! ALL MINE!" My stomach churn and drop. I take a big gulp and my eyes water up. Johnny stands outside of the bathroom, watching my reaction as I stare into the mirror and see the message that Pamela left before she left the condo. I walk out of the bathroom slowly, my eyes lowered. My head lowered.

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