Chapter 6

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We arrive at the Capitale and just outside of the lodging, photographers and news anchors stand and interview or take pictures of whoever is invited to the gala. Women wearing gorgeous evening gowns, men in their handsome black and white or colored tuxedos. We're the third limousine in line, to be brought in front of the building. My heart races even more than earlier, my stomach churning, and I can feel my chest tightening up. Johnny can tell that I'm very nervous, so as a solution, he holds me close to him. Leaning his head toward the side of mine and whispers faintly, "It's alright. Just breath. Relax. I'm here. I'm here baby." I nod my head, taking in a few deep breaths to calm myself. We get closer to the entrance and the red carpet. I feel as though I am a celebrity, who is attending the MET Gala. I guess I am a celebrity because I'm dating the richest and famous businessman. Why do I get this feeling that I'm replaying the role of Anastasia Steele in Fifty Shades? We reach the red carpet, a valet kindly opens the door and Johnny climbs out first. All eyes were on him, the camera taking numerous pictures of him. He buttons up his sport coat on his tuxedo and turns to face me. He extends his hand out to me, for me to grab and help out of the limousine. I hesitate.

"It's okay baby. I'm here. Just look at me as you get out of the limousine," he said. I nod my head, reaching for his hand, and softly take it. Slowly but surely, I scoot my way out of the car and get up on my own two feet. All of the photographers lower their camera when they see me in my cherry red dress. I feel all eyes on me once I stepped out, even Johnny has his eyes fix on me. Boy, I feel worse than I did while I was in the limousine. Seconds later, photographers resume taking pictures, but of Johnny and I. A middle-aged news anchor calls Johnny over, so he responds by walking over to the lady with me following behind.

"Wow Mr. Burton, you sure have caught everyone's attention with your lovely date. Who do we have the pleasure of meeting?" asks the news anchor.

"This is Ms. Tessena Edmondson. She is the scheduler for all of our artists here in the New York Metroplex, who are interested in having an art gallery showing with Burton Incorporation," he answers.

"Ms. Edmondson, may we have the pleasure of getting a full 360 view of this glorious and gorgeous dress you are wearing," she request. I smile big, feeling enthusiastic. I accept her request and giving her what she is asking for. Twirling slowly, so that everybody that is here can get pictures and see what the dress looks like.

"Beautiful, absolutely beautiful," she compliments. I return to Johnny's side, holding my smile and containing my incitement inside.

"You two have a wonderful gala night," she said.

"Thank you," said Johnny. I let him lead the way, because I have no idea where we are going. Well, it is obvious that we're going through the entrance of the lodging. As we get closer to the building, I can still feel all eyes on me which makes me feel a little uncomfortable. With my hand on Johnny's forearm, I grip it hard and he looks at it, and then back at me.

"Are you okay?" he asks.

"Just not use to having all eyes on me, only you," I answer. He puts his other hand on top of mine, softly caressing it. We enter the ballroom, seeing hundreds of people dressed up beautifully and handsomely. I stick close to Johnny as he makes his rounds of greeting familiar people and introducing me to them. Women crowd around me, admiring my dress and complementing it. I feel Johnny's arm slip through mine and look immediately at him. He smiles and nods as he has a conversation with one of the guest. My heart races and I feel some sort of anxiety approaching. More and more ladies come up to me, complimenting my dress and wanting me to twirl in circles, so that they can get a 360 look of it. They wanted to see my shoes as well. I lift my skirt of my dress, showing off my pumps and they all squeal. I flush, smiling big, and then lower my skirt to hide them.

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