Chapter 21

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I walk back inside the cabin, hearing Thomas and Johnny discuss preparations for our wedding ceremony. I walk past them and head to the small living room. Thomas leaves the area, to make preparations. Johnny joins me on the couch. He rests his arm on my shoulders and I scoot closer to him. I lay my eyes on him, holding a big smile on my face. He returns the smile and asks, "What?" I shake my head and reply, "Nothing, just surprise is all." He chuckles and asks, "Surprised because of the idea that I just pulled while we were at the lake?" I nod my head in response to his question. He scoffs, shaking his head in disbelief.

"What am I going to do with you?" he asks. I chuckle as he pulls me in closer to him. We kiss passionately, but hear a phone going off. It's Johnny's. He slowly pulls away from me, crawling from the couch to grab his phone. As soon as he does, he stops walking and a frown draws on his face. I take notice of it.

"What is it?" I ask.

"Regina. Guess Thomas found her?" he answers. He takes the call.

"Hello Regina," he says. Coming from the other line, we hear Regina blowing up at Johnny. She's obviously oblivious to the idea and heartbroken because of all the hard work she's done to plan this beautiful wedding. Johnny tries to utter out a word to her, but she's refusing. He lets out a sigh and stares at me, calling for help. I smile, climb out of the couch and walk over to him. I take the phone from him and try to talk some sense into Regina.

"Regina, it's Tess. Are you alright?" I said.

"No, I'm not alright. I'm just now finishing the final touches on your wedding, and then I see Thomas at my front door to tell me that you two are going to get married today, with your own ceremony without me and my hard work. It's unacceptable," she blathers in anger. I sigh and said, "I understand your frustration. I'm sure we can come to an agreement." Regina sighs and I can hear she's been crying over this.

"What do you propose?" she ask.

"We leave everything as is. Ceremony, reception, catering, music, et cetera," I propose and continue, "Once we're back from our vacation, we'll have that beautiful wedding that you worked hard on. Will that work for you?" That's a pause from Regina and I hear a sigh.

"Very well. This wedding is coming real soon, you know that right?" she said.

"Yes, we know. We appreciate all that you've done for us. We'll see you soon," I said.

"Well, wait a minute. What about the rehearsal dinner and bridal shower? Bridal shower is coming in three weeks and the rehearsal/engagement dinner party is the night before the wedding," she said.

"We'll play it by ear Regina. Alright?" I said.

"Alright," she said.

"We'll talk soon," I said. I end the call with her, handing the phone back to Johnny and smiling.

"So is everything alright?" he asks.

"She'll survive. Wedding is in two months," I said. He scoffs as he takes his phone back.

"Getting cold feet?" I ask. He laughs, shaking his head and answers, "Just never thought that I would end up like this."

"Like what? Trap?" I ask.

"I guess you can say that, but not being trapped with you," he answers quickly. I fold my arms across my chest, giving him a cold and hard stare.

"I mean with everything. Pamela and the wedding," he explains.

"Well I can understand with Pamela. We can't go anywhere without her spotting us," I explain. Johnny feels overwhelmed and frustrated with everything going on. His phone goes off again. This time it's work. I nod my head, knowing that it's my queue to leave the area. I decide to go back outside and enjoy the fresh air. As I'm outside walking around the area of the cabin, my phone goes off. I look at the screen to find it's Thomas. I answer it.

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