Chapter 7

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After having our wonderful breakfast and getting ready for work, Johnny and I head to the office. I sit away from Johnny, trying to think or plan something out for the two days that he's going to be gone for work. If Ashley was still alive, I probably go meet her somewhere for drinks or grab a bite to eat. Unfortunately, she isn't here. We make it to Burton Incorporation with no problems with traffic or people crowding us. Johnny walks me to my office and we see Amy sitting at her desk outside of my office. She immediately gets up from her chair, smiling, and said, "Good morning Tess. Mr. Burton."

"Good morning Amy," Johnny greets.

"Coffee this morning Tess?" Amy asks.

"Yes, please," I answer. She immediately walks away to fetch my coffee. I take my seat at my desk, Johnny stands in front of me and smiles as he watches me get prepare for the day. I rummage through paperwork, blowing out a breath of air loudly, and then look up at Johnny to see his has his icy blue eyes on me.

"What?" I asks. He shakes his head and said, "Nothing baby. You just look amazing today and so beautiful." I scoff, shaking my head and rolls my eyes.

"You keep rolling those eyes baby, I might just throw you over my knees and give you a nice spank on your ass," he threatens.

"Oh, is that so Mr. Burton?" I tease. He smiles, giving me a harsh playful glare. I couldn't help but giggle. I'm sure having fun with this. Johnny slowly turns away from him and starts walking.

"I'll see you later, my love," he said.

"Bye," I said. He doesn't say bye back to me, and continues to walk out of my office. He walks pass by Amy, who has a my fresh brewed coffee mug in her hand. She watches Johnny walk out of my office and said, "Have a good day, Mr. Burton". She walks into my office, setting down my coffee mug and takes a seat at a chair in front of me.

"Okay Amy, we're going to take things so but also be productive," I said.

"Don't we always Tess?" she questions. I smile, giving her a quick glance. I take a deep breath and exhale.

"Any phone calls we get today, just take messages because I am so far behind. I have one artist that is wanting to do a showing this weekend, and that's in two days. I have a meeting with them today at 1:00pm. Then, I have to schedule another art gallery for the Christmas holiday, and I have a meeting with the artist in the afternoon," I explain. My head starts to hurt as I try to think of everything that needs to be done today. Amy notices it and gets up from her chair. She reaches over and takes both my hands into hers. I look directly at her and she said, "It's going to be alright Tess. Just tell me what I can do to be any help or make things easier for you." I smile and said, "Thank you." She smiles and lets go of my hands.

"So what can I do to help?" she asks. I smile even bigger.

"Can you call the artists on this list, to schedule an appointment with them? I'll give you my calendar, so you can know who's already scheduled and who isn't?" I asks.

"Sure," she answer. I open my top drawer, grabbing and getting my weekly/monthly planner. Also, I grab my list of artists that need to be phone called. I hand it to Amy, and she kindly takes it.

"Thank you again, Amy. You are amazing," I compliment. She smiles big, feeling a bit proud and confident of herself. She steps out of my office immediately, and I take my seat at my desk.

As I work, my mind is going to crazy and I'm insanely busy with work. Trying to not think about my amazing hot, sexy love making with Johnny and still understanding that Pamela and her parents are out there. Johnny comes into my office, knocking on my door and it wakes me up. I flinch, looking at him directly. He smiles, walking into my office and I can do is admire his suit and his body. God, why is he so hot?

Enough (Book 2 of Unbearable)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang