The Order

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I dreamed of whiteness. I was no longer afraid, I was not hungry and I was not cold. The pain was gone. All I had left were the dreams that passed in front of me in an endless line. Some were clear - memories of my past, others were like a fog. I felt them rather than seeing them. Was that the death?

Then I started hearing voices. They were somehow distant - like a whisper, but I had the feeling that they were actually very close. Warm. Some strangers, others not so much. But there was one who stood out among the others. Soft and gentle. Was it possible?

Then came the sensations. Touch like a feather. Fingers on my hands. A kiss on my forehead. Truth or dream?

A light made its way into the corner of my eyelids. I opened my eyes and it took them a while to get used to the colors. I was in a room. Its walls are simply cream, not peeling or dirty, just cream. There was no decoration at all save the limp curtain that could separate my bed from the three others in here. It was perhaps once the kind of green that reminds people of spring-time and hope, but it was faded so much that the hue is insipid. The room was in a color of bleach and the floor is simply grey. At the far end were windows in brown metal frames, only openable at the top. The three other beds were empty. I had a vague idea of where I actually was, even though I had never been here. But how was that possible?

A man in a lime green robe came into the room and was shocked to see that I was awake. He ran to me and laid his hand on mine. He started swinging his wand around me slightly with no visible result. On the other hand, it was as if thousands of needles were touching me on different parts of my body.

"Ouch," I shouted, rubbing my shoulder where I felt a slightly stronger piercing.

"I'm sorry," the man said and smiled at me. "I had to make sure all your senses were fine. Everything looks good so far. "

"Where am I?" I asked, trying to stand up, but the wizard pushed me back

"Do not rush to get up, give yourself some time to adapt. Otherwise, my name is Hippocrates Smethwyck and I'm your healer here in St Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries. I'm Healer-in-Charge in Dai Llewellyn Ward for Serious Bites ward. "

"Serious bites?" And I looked at my leg where the snake had bitten me. My ankle was wrapped in bandages. I moved my fingers slightly. It didn't hurt.

"Serious wound," Smethwyck nodded, "It was hard to close. It opened again and again. And we didn't know what bit you. We just had to guess and try. Eventually, several non-traditional methods helped us deal with the injury and it is almost healed. The other problem was the poison. It took time to clear the blood. It was also the main reason you were unconscious for so long. "

"How long? "

"More than a month. "

"Month?! "

"Yes, when they brought you here, you were in very bad condition. "

"Who brought me here?"

"Some man, he must be a relative of yours perhaps. He did not introduce himself. In fact, he comes every day since you've been here. If it's not a secret, what happened to you? "

"I don't remember," I said, which was partly true. I remember Nagini biting me, but then it's foggy.

"Hmm, good. Now rest. In fact, we can discharge you tomorrow if you want. Do you have relatives to contact? "

"No. I'll take care of myself. Thanks. Do you know if my wand is here? "

"Yes, miss. It's in your locker here. "

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