New acquaintances

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It wasn't hard to put a little enchanted sikle in Remus's pocket. I had applied a tracking spell to it so I could find out where he was and try to help him with the werewolf group. I just hoped Remus wouldn't use it before I got to the place. And I hoped he wouldn't be very angry when he finds out what I did.

I had no plan. When I got there, I would decide what to do. I didn't tell anyone about my intentions. I put on a plain black robе. I also threw on my hood so my face wouldn't be visible.

"Appare Vestigium," I whispered, swinging my wand. A thin golden string came from the top and led me, pointing me in the right direction. It was not difficult to follow it, as the trail was recent. I had a feeling Remus had just passed through here. I could smell the familiar smell of books and chocolate. But it was probably because of the spell.

I had to apparate a few times, following the thread, until it finally led me to the door of an old inn. From the outside, it looked ugly, dark, and nasty. Clay and huge, stone pillars made up most of the building's outer structure. It was difficult to see through the dirty windows, but the lack of joy from within could be felt outside. As I entered the tavern through the dirty, wooden door, I was welcomed by the smell of alcohol and dirt and dust from all places.

I kept my wand ready under my robe in case of danger. The bartender was smoking something and made no effort to acknowledge my presence. It was as dull inside as it was on the outside. Rounded, wooden beams supported the upper floor and the huge, dusty lamps attached to them. The walls were covered in cobwebs and any decoration that did hang there was now unrecognizable.

The tavern itself was almost completely abandoned. The few people inside appeared to be quite ominous and suspicious in my eyes, but whoever they were, I'd like to stay as far away from them as possible. The good thing was that a lot of the customers were wearing hoods, so I wouldn't attract prying eyes if I didn't take mine off. I looked around cautiously as I headed for the bar, but I couldn't see Remus among the few people here. This was strange, as the tracking spell stopped here. I just wish he hadn't paid with the sikle at the bar and then left. I had to stand for a while and I would decide what to do next.

Standing at the bar, the bartender may have finally noticed me, as he nodded slightly. At first, I was wondered what I had to order in such a place. A butterbeer milkshake sounded too childish, and a firewhisky sounded too expensive for such a place. I took a brief look at what the other visitors at the tables were drinking. I turned to the bartender, trying my voice not to tremble, and ordered him a beer. He swung his wand sluggishly and filled a terribly dirty glass with yellowish liquid and slid it onto my counter. I paid him and headed for the most hidden and dark table in the inn.

From there, hidden under the hood, I could look at the other visitors. A witch with a very small nose was sitting across from me, her robe green and torn in places, but her hair was strangely long and neatly combed. He drank some blue liquid from which steam rose and read Daily Prophet. To the right of the table next to her was a group of three men drinking beer and laughing at something. On the other side of them sat a girl alone, perhaps a few years older than me. Her skin was pale, she had bright blue eyes and silver hair. She was not wearing a typical witch's robe, but a gray blouse and jeans. A pendant with a moonstone hung around her neck. She read a book, but from time to time she looked at the door as if expecting someone. She looked at me for a moment and seemed to smile at me. I was startled for a moment, she couldn't see me under the hood. Her face, though pale and tired, radiated a strange serenity and kindness. But that was only a first impression. What could a normal girl do in this place? Same as you - a thin voice said in my head. I couldn't see the other three or four visitors because they were all hooded. But no one looked like Remus to me. They didn't have his physique, I would certainly recognize him if he was one of them.

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