"It isn't as if I love you for your food." ~ Harry Styles

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Something was definitely up with Zayn. Apart from him and Niall, but that was nothing out of the ordinary. He often chased after people, normally not as subtle as he'd been with Niall, but chasing nonetheless. 

I looked at Louis as he told me all about his amazing cooking. 
"Lou, you can't even cook toast! You can't cook, I think maybe I'll be the cook and you can like, I dunno, do the other womanly duties." I told him with a wink, he just looked appalled. 
"Harry, I'm hurt! You know I'm not even that bad!" He faked a sob, and I hurried to mock-console him, laughing the whole way. 
"Hahaha, Louis, I still love you, but  c'mon, it isn't as if I love you for your food. I love you for you," I said with a small smile. He grinned back at me happily and leaned his head in my neck. I looked up from Louis and noticed Zayn, Liam, Niall and Taleisha looking at me, all with tiny smiles on their faces, but Niall had some kind of other expression I couldn't place. He looked forlornly toward Zayn, but Zayn barely glanced his way. 

"So, guys. We should catch a movie sometime soon," Liam said, breaking the silence we'd deemed as awkward. "Like.. That new movie out, the Hunger Games one." He continued. 
"Yeah, we should. I've read the books, they're actually pretty amazing," Zayn mused, and Niall nodded.
"Yeah, I read the first one, it's alright," He explained.
"We should go see it then!" I shouted over the quiet mumbling of the TV. Everyone nodded and we agreed to go see it. 

Soon enough we were in the car and I was driving us to Taleisha's to drop her off. I had to drive back to get Niall though, and then we were all off to the cinemas. As we bought our tickets, 5 girls walked in and looked at us. There were 3 blondes, a brunette and a red head. The red head seemed quite tall and had freckles everywhere, natural red hair, a pair of black jeans and a floral loose singlet shirt. One of the blondes had a blue streak in the fringe, which looked cool, and she had pink nails, shorts and a dress shirt that went to just above the bottom of her shorts. She wore dark green thong-type shoes and held a cute little hand bag. 
Another blonde had platinum blonde hair that came to her bum, and it was obviously dyed. She wore bright red jeans, a black tee and on her feet were white slip ons that suited the outfit quite well. The last blonde was very short and had a  short slutty skirt, with a bra-styled shirt. She had a menacing look on her face that seemed to say, "stay away." with a sense of finality to it. 
I glanced at the last girl, a brunette, and I stared, seeing she was already staring at me. Her hair was long and curly, reaching her lower back. She wore a mid-thigh skirt that showed off her terrific long legs, and a loose shirt that elasticised at the bottom, tightening to hug her figure. 

Louis pulled my arm as we walked up to the counter to order our tickets, and I was snapped out of my daze, but was pulled straight back into one when Louis held me close with his arm wrapped around my shoulder. I leaned in towards him and sat my head on his shoulder and put my arm around his waist and we stumbled up to the counter. Niall bought our tickets and popcorn, and we went into the theatre to sit down and wait for the movie to start, but my mind was on those 5 girls. They seemed oddly familiar, and somehow I knew them... Even if I didn't actually know them. Niall, Zayn and Liam automatically started talking, and Louis looked around, lost. It was as if he didn't know what to say, or who to talk to.

"Hey, Lou, what are you up to this weekend?" I asked him, wanting a smile on his face. He brightened up at my question. 
"I have no clue, but I don't think I'm doing much, why do you ask?" He replied cheekily.
"Oh I dunno, I was wondering maybe if you wanted to come into London city with me?" I said, but it sounded more like a question.
"That would be great," Lou replied happily, with a huge grin on his face. I grinned back at him.
"Oi lads, what are you up to?" Came Niall's cute Irish voice.
"Just talking about the weekend, and how much fun we'll have in the city." Lou said with an even bigger grin. When Louis said it, Niall's face fell for an instant before he covered it with happiness.
"Oh wow, the city, that's huge!"
"Well... London is big." I said, not realising how stupid I sounded, and not really caring. They all laughed at me before Zayn told us the movie was starting. Passing the popcorn up and down the isle to all of us, I saw more people meander in and noticed right away it was the 5 girls from out the front. I stared at them as they ascended the stairs and walked past us all, seemingly glaring at us as they passed us. I looked the brunette up and down, and she winked at me. I gave her a disgusted look and grabbed Louis' hand tight, and he gasped. 
"Harry, are you ok? What's up?" I just furrowed my brows, my good-ish mood gone. 
"Yeah I'm fine, those girls just gave me the creeps. They looked at me funny, so I gave them the dirties." Louis and the other boys just laughed at me. I suddenly heard a scream and my eyes focused on the screen, realising it was the movie. Prim was having a nightmare and Katniss rushed to console her. We all sat down and watched quietly, laughing on cue and 'awwww'-ing at the right spots. I even heard Niall growl when he saw President Snow on the stand. I mean, what? What did he do? I didn't read the books, so I had no clue. 

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