"How lucky I am to have Liam." ~ Taleisha Jade

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Liam and I walked hand in hand through the park, finally settling on a small bench over-looking a pond. Liam had brought a basket along with him and after taking in the scenery and giggling at how cute a group of ducklings that waddled to the pond with their mother were, he opened up the basket and handed me a cheese and bacon roll that he had picked up from the bakery earlier.

I smiled and we ate in a comfortable silence. I took the time to think about what a perfect boyfriend I had, I mean, he would always take me places and spoil me and let me know how much he loved me. I tried to return the favour but I still always think of how lucky I am to have Liam.

My thoughts were interrupted when I felt a kiss on my cheek. I blushed slightly and turned to Liam, who had finished his roll and was now looking lovingly at me. I took the last bite of my roll and scooted over closer to Liam. He yawned and stretched his arm and slyly wrapped it around my shoulders, I laughed at the cliché move and Liam laughed too, his chocolate brown eyes squinting slightly. We began talking about anything and everything; I loved how it was easy to be comfortable with him. “Hey, so me and the rest of the lads have bought a big house to share, since we are always at one of each other’s house so we thought it’d be easier that way.”

“Really? Sounds good, have you guys found a house, or...?” I let my sentence drift off.

“Yeah actually, we found out if we’ve got it tomorrow. It’s got 6 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, a pool and a huge garage! It’s awesome!” We grinned at each other excitedly. It was cute to see him so excited. Those 5 boys were best friends and it seemed like a great idea for them to move in together. I smiled a genuine smile and congratulated him he spoke again;

“Aaannnnnnnnddddd....I was hoping you would move in with us?” He asked with a hopeful glint in his eyes. I was a bit stunned; of course I wanted to move in with him! But were the other boys okay with this? I’d only met them a few times, even though Liam and I had been dating three years (it wasn’t really official until a few months ago though) and even though I got along well with them, Niall seemed to hate me. He’d always act coldly towards me, and it hurt. He was one of Liam’s best friends and I’d done nothing to him and he'd called me a whore. All of these thoughts raced through my head and Liam must have seen the conflicted look on my face.

“I’ve talked to the other boys about it and they’re fine, they like you” He said with a hopeful smile on his face.

“A-are you sure? I... I mean, I want to move in with you, yes!” I stuttered out, but with a smile on my face. He grinned happily and kissed me.

“We’ll start moving your stuff in a few days! Oh this is great!” He looked like a kid at Christmas! It was adorable!

We began talking again, mainly about the new house, when I noticed a shadow blocking the sunlight that was streaming from between the leaves of the trees. Liam and I both looked up at the same time and what stood before us was a girl. She had straight, dyed hair that was so blonde it was almost white, but she wasn’t that bad looking although she had overdone the make up a bit and lacked clothing, wearing a light pink top that showed her belly button and a VERY short skirt.

“Hey there Liam,” She purred. How did she know Liam? Who was she? I looked over at Liam and he his face wore a hard expression. He looked like he hated this girl, so that instantly made me wary of her. He stared at her for what seemed like ages, my eyes flickering back and forth between the two. His facial expressions remained the same, while hers turned into a smirk.

Finally, Liam spoke up.


As Taleisha and I spoke about the new house, a shadow encased us, and we looked up. My face went hard, and as I took in the short skirt, the almost bra styled shirt, and the platinum blonde hair, I recognised her immediately. It was Leila, my ex-girlfriend.

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