"Well get up or I'll bite you again!" ~ Taleisha Shepherd

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After a while, Louis calmed down. I kept apologising to Taleisha, and she wouldn't stop smiling at me. I don't know how I deserve her. We eventually went back to her place and fell asleep in our bed. I dreamed that night. 

"Liam, what are you doing?" Taleisha asked me, I'd put the car on the jack to check its engine, and pulled various bits out of it. 

"Wrecking our car babe. Why, you making lemonade for me?" We laughed and I answered her seriously. "I'm just fixing the car. I heard some clunk noise coming out of it this morning." She nodded and came over and knelt by me, I was laying on my skateboard, rolling under the car. I looked at her, wearing a yellow dress that accentuated her curves and made her even more gorgeous. Her dress ended just above her knees and I soon found myself grinning like a madman. Her face lit up as she came out of her trance, and I reached my hand towards her, but she was further away than I'd thought. I sat up, and she was further again. I stood up and started chasing her, I couldn't let her go, I couldn't watch her leave. I had to catch her, I couldn't let her leave me. I ran as fast as I could, and I caught her fingers. 

"Taleisha! Don't leave me!" I shouted, and she was still knelt down from when she was next to me. The walls faded and I was chasing after her through shops, and I was stopped by a buff black guy walking along.

"Hey! You bugging this lady here?" I shook my head as I tried to get through him, but he wouldn't move.

"Please, let me go! She's my fiance, and I need to catch her before she leaves!" I said, still trying to see her behind him.

"No, leave the girl alone, she doesn't want you," I punched him in the face, catching him off guard and I ran like hell. I was now running after the girl of my dreams, and away from a black man that wanted me dead probably.   I ran as fast as I possibly could but it wasn't fast enough, Taleisha was nowhere to be seen, and the dude was catching up, fast. I stopped running, and hid in a nearby shop, it was a Big W and had 2 exits, I was positive I could get out without him on my tail, so I jumped into one of the toy crates that had big teddy bears in it. He ran straight past me and I jumped out and bolted out the doors, headed home. 

Finally reaching home I walked in to see Taleisha packing her things up.

"Taleisha?" I squeaked, and she spun around, surprised.

"Liam! You weren't supposed to be home yet!"

"I should never have left in the first place, what's going on? Are you... are you leaving me?" I asked stupidly.

"Yeah.. I am.. Liam, I'm sorry, but we aren't working." I fell to the ground and got on my knees. 

"Please, don't, Taleisha. Don't leave me!" I started sobbing loudly and she stepped backwards, into some fog that had come from nowhere. I sobbed harder and harder.

"Liam, wake up! What's wrong? Liam!!" I woke up in tears and in a cold sweat, Taleisha calling my name. 

"Taleisha! Oh my god, thank you, so much. I love you so much, don't leave me, I'm sorry!" I sobbed almost incoherently, and she held me.

"It was just a bad dream, you know I'd never leave you! I couldn't, you're my life, my love. I swear I'll always be yours." She comforted me, rubbing my back soothingly.

"You ran away from me, you packed the house up and left. Y..you ran away and made me punch a black guy, and he was after me, and I couldn't find you, and I came home and you were packing your stuff up, and you just disappeared, I'm sorry! I didn't call you yesterday and I'm sorry, don't leave me, I couldn't handle it!" I began to babble, and I was aware of it. 

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