"Why was I jealous?" ~ Zayn Malik

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Louis finally stopped yelling at me, and I noticed he always had his arm around a withdrawn looking Harry. I unlatched myself from Niall, and pulled Harry away from Louis and into the kitchen with me.

"Is everything ok?" I asked him, his eyes widened.

"Yes! What would make you think something's wrong?!" He almost shouted, and I hushed him.

"Nothing, it just seemed like you were sadly thinking, as in like.. I dunno, not talking, um... Looking off into the distance and crap...." My words wandered, and I looked at Harry who was chewing his lip. He only did that if he was nervous. 

"Harry? What's up?" He shook his head and Louis called him. 

"I.. uhh, sorry Zayn, I gotta go," He threw an apologetic look at me, walking out of the room in a hurry. I shot him a look and walked out after him, huffing a sigh. 

"ZAAAAYYYYN!!!" I looked up from my feet to see Nialler running at me full speed with no intention of stopping.

"Ni!" I yelled right before he collided with me and we fell to the floor, but Niall somehow spun us around, and I landed on him, winding him. I jumped off him, and he lay there until I grabbe dhis hands and pulled him into my arms. 

"You're so stupid Nialler, why did you do that???" I screeched. He started breathing normally again and I hugged him tightly. 

"Never, ever put me before yourself again," I said to him, and he nodded, and I assumed he had a headache. I pinched my eyes shut and let go off him, opening my eyes again.

"I'm stepping out for a fag," I told him, and he nodded and went to sit down.

Walking outside, I sensed something weird. Nonetheless, I pulled the packet of smokes out of my pocket and put one between my index and middle finger. Lighting up with my lighter, I heard a bush rustle. I looked over trying to see something in the mid day clouds, but saw nothing. 

"Who's there?" I called out.

"Zayyynn," Lucy purred my name and I shuddered. Her voice gave me chills, even after 4 years.

"What do you want Lucy?" I shot coldly at her.

"Zayyyn, that's no way to speak to me!" She purred again. I grimaced.

"Cut the shit, what do you want?" She pouted at me and I scoffed, taking a draw of my ciggarette. 

"I want you to deal for me again," I had to do a double take, drugs again? I couldn't do that! Lucy saw my hesitation and continued. "I know this is a hard decision, but think it over and talk to me in the morning. I'll be back at 10 tomorrow morning, and I expect the right answer," She gave me a meaningful look and I nodded. She walked down the road and I stood there staring after her for a bit, finishing my smoke before walking back into the boys. I walked in on a dogpile, and after seeing this, I jumped on top which squished Louis who was at the bottom. Followed by Harry, Liam and then Niall. I was laying on Niall and I reached my hand around and made him face me, and I kissed him gently. I felt squirming from underneath Niall and i got off, letting Niall up as he held my hand. All traces of Lucy was forgotten as I engaged in more fun and games before everyone left. Taleisha stood off to the side eating simple noodles and I walked over to her and nudged her, and she hit me with her hip and went back to eating her noodles as if nothing had happened. She glanced at me and smirked, before bursting into a full scale laugh. 

"S'not that funny! All you did was push me, why are you laughing so much??" I asked her with a stressed voice.

"Your-!!! HAHAHAHA!! Y-...your hai..hahah.. your hair, Zayn, is what I'm laughing at," She started laughing at me again and I turned around scowling, and the boys all started laughing at me. I stormed off to the bathroom and saw a noodle in my hair. How the fuck did that get there? I frowned and pulled it out before running a brush and hairspray through my hair as I'd done this morning. I heard someone come into my room, and lock the door. I was in my en-suite, and I felt arms wrap around me from behind, and in the mirror I saw Niall's blonde hair. His chin rested on my shoulder, his arms loosely hanging around me. I turned around and hugged him, his head digging into my neck in an adorable fashion. I looked at his face and winced, his wounds still there from what I'd done to him. I bent down that little bit and pulled our faces together, kissing each and every one of his bruises and cuts gently. 

"What are you doing Zayn?" Ni asked me quietly. He'd closed his eyes and I saw a burst blood vessel on his eyelid. I grimaced, knowing that I'd done this to him, and I kissed his eyelid. His eye twitched as anyone's does when someone touches their eye unexpectedly. He opened his eyes to find my brown eyes staring into his gorgeous blue eyes that had a tinge of light brown around the pupil. Soon I found myself kissing him, again. 

"I'm so sorry Nialler," I started babbling. "I did this to you, and I slept with a random, and I am so sorry. Please don't let me do anything like that again, and never put yourself before me, ever. I know how to handle myself, and I don't mind a bit of pain, but you, don't do it. Please, ever-" He cut me off with a kiss. 

"Don't. Just be happy I'm alive, OK?" He told me sternly, and I nodded. Our foreheads touched and I closed my eyes, wishing this moment would never end. But of course it had to when Harry came bashing our door in, the door that was locked.

"ZAAAYYYYN!!!!! ZAAAYYYNNN ZAYN ZAYN ZAAAYNNNNN ZAYNNN! ZAAAAYYYYYYNNNN!" He yelled. "NIALL WENT MISSING AND WE NEED YOU TO COME HELP FIND HIM!!!!" He sounded serious, and I indicated for Niall to get in the cupboard. I unlocked the door and Harry burst in, wearing one of my t-shirts that I'd just washed. It was a Superman one, with Christopher Reeves on the front. 

"I'LL SAVE HIM!" I looked at him skeptically.

"Isn't that Louis' thing?" Harry nodded and looked down, mocking sadness. I laughed at him.

"NIALL! Come out, they know, hahaha!" I called out to him.

Niall opened the cupboard door and stepped out shyly looking at Harry and I. We laughed at him and he was too cute, he started laughing along with us. We left my bedroom and found our way to the lounge room again.


"Okay guys, Haz and I have to go, now that we know Liam's safe and Taleisha's happy. Congratulations to you both by the way," Louis said to us all, and he winked at Niall. I felt my blood boil. He was with Harry, no way could he have just winked at my boyfrie- Was Niall even my boyfriend? Did he want to be? Could I get jealous over other people looking at him? Why was I jealous about Louis playfully winking at him? 

"Zayn? Hello, earth to Zayn?" Harry called out to me, and I snapped out of my little trance, glancing up at Harry. 


"I saaaiid, we're going now, we'll come over tomorrow about 9?" Not before Lucy came to get my answer.

"No!" They all looked at me funny, "I mean... I wanted to have a sleep in.. tomorrow... and uh.. I .." I gave up, hoping they could deal with my sleep in.

"Zayn, what's up?" Taleisha asked me, looking genuinely worried. I sighed and gave in, her piercing blue eyes staring into my soul, searching for an answer. 

"Lucy's coming over tomorrow to get an answer and I don't want to give her a yes but that's what she wants and if I don't say yes then someone could get hurt and I couldn't handle if any of you got hurt, or if my family got hurt I'd go to jail for killing someone and I don't think I'd be able to handle being away from all of you for any permanent length of time, not to mention the trouble I'd be in if I told Lucy I didn't want to do her job, she'd fucking kill me, or one of you, or someone would be in trouble or dead and I can't let that happen!" 

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, Zayn stop. Who's Lucy? What job? What answer does she want? Why would we be dead if you say no?" Liam asked me. 

"She wants me to deal again!!" I cried loudly. I heard a collective gasp, and I dug my face in my hands, not wanting to be seen ever again. I hated what I did as a child. I was only little, why did I ever??? Ugh my life is such a mess. 

"Zayn, I have an idea. We'll turn up at 9, and she can't ask you in front of us, can she?" I shook my head. "Right, so if we're all here, you won't really be forced to say yes!" Harry started. "If she tries to hurt one of us, the rest of us can take care of her, yeah?" I nodded and lifted my head out of my hands. 

"That's brilliant Harry, but what if she has her henchmen with her? Then what?" 

"Then we take them on and hope for the best," He said with a wicked grin that was contagious. 

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