"And I followed them." ~ Taleisha Shepherd

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I was waiting for Liam at the restaurant he told me to meet him at. He told me to be there at 6pm, which I had been, but it was now 6:30pm. Where was he? He’s never late for dates, well, for anything really. He likes to be on time and I knew he’d never keep me waiting without a call or text unless something was wrong. 

I started to panic a bit and called his phone. No answer. I started turning my head left and right looking for his car, but stopped after a while seeing as though it was useless and just hurt my neck.

I held back tears as I wrapped my arms around myself and waited, constantly checking my phone for a text or call. 

Finally, at 10 minutes to 7, I saw Liam’s car pull up near the restaurant. I bolted over to him and even though he was still halfway getting out of the car I flung myself onto him and gripped him tightly, knocking him back into the driver’s seat. He let out a small yelp in surprise but when he heard my sobbing he wrapped his arms around me and asked me what was wrong, apologising for being so late. 

After a few minutes of just tight embraces, my tears stopped and I looked up at him and that’s when I noticed the bruises, dried blood and ripped clothing. My mouth gaped open and closed like a goldfish's for a moment before I regained my senses and demanded him to tell me what had happened to him, my voice full of panic and concern.

His eyes widened and he hesitated before replying.

“Uhh, just a group of drunken guys. They got a bit rough and I got dragged and pulled a few times before I got back to the car, I’m okay though, I could handle ‘em...” I could tell he wasn’t telling me the truth. We had been dating for 3 years now and we had been friends for many more before that, so I knew when he was lying but I decided not to push the matter even though I was really worried. 

He apologised again before smiling warmly and grabbing my hand and leading me to the restaurant and sitting down to finally enjoy our date.

We sat down and got a few weird looks pointed toward Liam and his bloody figure. We even heard a scream, and a lot of people left.

I looked at him, seeing his blood covered nose, his bruised cheekbone and his swollen lip. He glanced at me, halfway through his meal, and froze. I felt a blush creep over my face as I smiled at my boyfriend. He grinned at me, with a piece of steak in his teeth, I giggled at him, and he winked at me.

“Liam, will you tell me, ever, at all?” He hesitated, and I sighed. “Never mind…”

“I don’t know. It’s up to Zayn… We were out together, and we were um… ambushed?” He offered. I put a small smile on my face, knowing he meant the best, and understanding that Zayn didn’t want me to know. I nodded at him, and he smirked.

“Hey Miss Shepherd, guess what?” He asked me.

“Hmmm,” I hummed quietly.

“I love you,” He grinned, and pulled a small box out of his pocket. I gaped at it, and he handed it to me.


“Just open it, you’ll love it!” He urged.

“Okay…” I opened it, and found a silver chain, with a green drop pendant. I gasped, and looked up at Liam.

“Liam?” I repeated.

“I told you, I love you. And not only am I going to say it all the time but I’m going to show you how much I love you Taleisha Jade. Oh and that’s not silver, it’s white gold, and a jade crystal.” He said with a wink.  I grinned. White gold was expensive though…

“Put it on me?” He got up and walked around behind me, picking my new necklace up and hooking it around my neck. I lifted my hair so he could do the clasp up, and then he evened it out on my chest, before leaning in and kissing me lightly on the neck, sending shivers down my spine. I closed my eyes and smiled. My boyfriend was amazing, and I loved him with all my heart. He leaned around further and kissed my lips lightly, and I responded instantly, I pulled his head closer to mine and crushed his lips with mine, Liam’s arms wrapped around me tightly. And then someone cleared their throat.

We broke apart instantly, though Liam’s hands rested on my shoulders. We turned to face Zayn, who had a black eye and a bright red nose. What the hell happened to these boys?!  

“Zayn? What’s wrong?” Liam asked with his voice monotone.

“Um... Something happened.” A few seconds of silence passed, and then Zayn nodded. I spun my head around to Liam, and he was staring intently at Zayn, almost a death stare- but not quite.

“Taleisha, I’ll be back in a minute yeah? I’m soooo so, so sorry to run out, but I promise I’ll be back within the next 10 minutes, if I’m not, go home and I’ll meet you there.” He leaned down and left a lingering kiss on my lips.

“Okay baby, I love you.” I said to him, frustrated. “Zayn? What did you do to my baby boy and why did he come back all beaten up?” Zayn tensed.

“Um.. We walked in on a fight, and then tried breaking it up… Sorry for breaking him.” He lied so fluently. I narrowed my eyes and pursed my lips.

“That is a totally different story to what Li told me…” I said, confident I’d busted them.

“Uhhhh…” Zayn began.

“The drunken guys were in a fight, I told you that..?” I shook my head.

“No you didn’t.” I said with an edge to my tone. “Why are you lying to me Liam James?”

“Taleisha, I’ll tell you later, I promise, but right now, I have to go.” He said urgently.

“Fine.” I said; a sense of finality in my voice. I knew I’d won. I got up and headed to my car.

I sat in it for about 2 minutes; before I saw the two boys walk out, Liam with a distraught look on his face. I frowned, I didn’t mean to hurt him. They spoke before getting in Liam’s car and driving off, toward the country.

And I followed them. 

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