"Someone in particular." ~ Zayn Malik

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Taleisha stormed out of the restaurant and after Liam paid for the date, we walked outside, and I looked around the full car park. I thought I saw Taleisha’s car, but when I looked again, it was gone.

“Liam, I’m driving. I know where we’re going.” He nodded, and got in the passenger seat. We sped out of the parking lot and down the road.

“Zayn, you know how we’re always at each other’s houses and all?” I nodded at Liam’s question.

“Well… What if we bought a house together and all moved in?” That was actually brilliant.

“That’s a great idea! When, though, and where would this house be?” I kept my eyes on the road, as much as I wanted to glance over at him, I had to watch the road at the speed we were going at. 120km/hr, which was too fast, I slowed down gradually until I was sitting just over 80km/hr.

We finally got the warehouse and Liam got out, and I followed him in, but turned around when I heard another care. I saw nothing though, so I shrugged and kept walking. I walked into the warehouse as I had many times, except the stench was worse than ever before. It smelled of rotting flesh and burnt rubber. I pinched my nose as I dodged the bodies that were still all over the floor. 

"Liam, I think we have to get this place cleaned, or call the po-po," I said, trying to lighten the mood. He chuckled lightly before tripping over an arm that detached from it's owner as soon as it was touched. He righted himself before grimacing and walking on. 

"Why do you think they brought you here? And why did you ever deal drugs?" Liam sounded genuinely curious, where normal people pry, Liam was always generally curious. I liked it. I just shrugged, I really didn't know why I was brought here.

As we trotted through the disgusting mess, I swore I heard a scream. We spun around to see nothing.

"What was that?" Liam asked me.

"I have no idea Liam...." I answered truthfully. "But come on, keep walking, we'll keep watch on each other's arses, right?" He nodded and I grinned ruefully.

"Zayn, is that you?" I heard an all too familiar voice calling. A male voice that was void from all emotion and was basically hell and death combined. I swung around, but couldn't pinpoint the direction he was coming from, his voce boomed through the warehouse, and he was everywhere but nowhere.

"Oh come on Zayn, with all your ninja skills, you can surely tell I'm to your left." I swung to my left, hiding Liam behind me. "You've got to know better than to look the way I tell you, I'm on your right, right?" I spun around, making myself dizzy, looking in all corners of the warehouse.

He could be anyone lying on the floor that we mindlessly walked over, he could be looking at us through the roof, or he could be right in front of me. I wandered slowly forward, curious as to what was behind the curtain gently flowly in a breeze that I hadn't noticed was there before.

"Come on Malik, I'm right here." I heard right next to my ear.

"ZAYN!" I heard Liam's panicked screech before a blow came crashing down on my right temple, I winced with pain and crumpled to the ground. I glared as hard as I could at David.

"Why? Why are you here, why are you hell bent on making your own life hell, and dragging your friends into it?" He asked me with an amused tone to his voice.

"I only brought one into this, and he doesn't care. He can fight too." This only seemed to please him, I decided I wouldn't say anything more to him, and I indicated to Liam to shhh. He nodded.

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