"I love the feel of your hair." ~ Louis Tomlinson

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I woke Louis up, and he didn't want to get out of bed. I pushed him off the bed with a wicked grin. 

"Haz... that hurt! I don't wanna do anything today!" He complained. 

"Too bad. We're going out. We have to go see Liam and Taleisha, Liam told me something happened, but I don't know if it was good or bad, and I want to find out what! Get up you lazy Lou head!" I smiled at my Louis. He was mine, finally. 

I got up and hopped in the shower, feeling the hot water run over my naked body. I felt another body slide in the shower with me, holding me close from behind. I grinned as Louis' hands helped me wash my hair.

"I love the feel of your hair." He murmured in my ear, nipping occasionally at my neck or ear lobe. He chose a spot on my neck and started sucking, like a twisted kiss, on my neck. He sucked my neck hard and chomped his teeth down, leaving a mark there. It told people I was taken and that I was his. I spun around at lightning speed and placed my lips at Lou's neck, working on a love bite of my own. I sucked until I was satisfied I'd left a bruise, and I bit him, harder than he'd bitten me. I lifted my head to find Louis' head tipped back and his eyes closed, water running over his beautiful face. I pulled his face to mine and brought our lips together, smashing them down on each other and kissing hungrily. 

We finally let go of each other and got out of the shower, dressing slowly, kissing occasionally. We giggled, running out to the car where Lou got in the driver's seat. I hopped into the passenger seat and Louis took off to Liam's place, swerving in and out of cars on the main road. I looked at him and he was grinning like a madman. Louis loved driving, he found it fun to just waste petrol mindlessly wandering streets. Ya know, because he's Louis. 

Finally rocking up at Liam's, we got out and I knocked on his door. There was no answer, I knocked again with the same result. 

"Liam? You in there buddy?" I called out, again with no reply. 

"Hm. Maybe he's at Taleisha's..." I thought out loud.

"Then let's go!" Lou shouted, dragging me back to the car. 

"Lou wait, something isn't right... Hang on a sec." I pulled the key out from the glovebox, the spare key Liam had given me in case of emergencies. I felt that this was one of those times. I unlocked the front door of Liam's flat to find it trashed more than usual. I stepped over the rubbish and walked up the hallway to Liam's room, finding it empty. 

"Hm.... okay then.." I said with a frown.

Stepping out of Liam's flat, locking the door behind me. I walked over to the car where Louis was still waiting. Where was Liam? Why was his place a dump? Did Taleisha know? We headed over to Taleisha's house. Pulling up, I saw the door open and Taleisha come out with a huge grin on her face, which fell when she saw us. Her face looked as if she'd seen someone die firsthand. 

"Hey, Taleisha. What's up?" Louis asked her. I took in her appearance. She wore a purple dressing gown with a pair of brown ugg boots. Her hair was down in a messy fashion that somehow suited her. Her blue eyes were tired and weary that told me she hadn't slept for a while. 

"I haven't seen Liam since he left this morning, haven't heard from him again since. Have you heard from him?" Taleisha asked me, hope filling her eyes. I shook my head, watching the hope disappear and worry filled her. 

"No, we haven't, sorry hun." She looked down, a tear visible in her eye. "We'll find him though," Louis  continued. 

Taleisha went inside and showered, ready to go find her fiance. Lou and I sat down waiting. 

"Lou, where do you think he is?" Louis shook his head, unsure.

"I'm not sure, but I have a bad feeling. Like something's happened to him." 

"So do I, and I don't like it... We should call Zayn," Louis nodded, and walked into the kitchen to call Zayn.

Taleisha walked down her staircase in one of her skirts, and a wolf shirt with pink thongs that went well together. She looked at me sadly, but her beautiful blue eyes were full of hope.

"Where's Lou?" She asked me. I nodded toward the kitchen. 

"Just calling Zayn and Nialler, we're all going to find Liam, I promise. You wanna go?" I asked her, she nodded frantically. 

Walking into the kitchen to see Louis on the phone, I put my arm around Taleisha, a comforting arm. 

"Yeah, we're at Taleisha's now. You and Nialler coming over?"  Louis listened for a while before his eyes widened. 

"WHAT??? ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME ZAYN!? I'LL KILL YOU! YOU AND NI BOTH!" Lou suddenly shouted, making me wince. After he hung up, he looked over at me with a look in his eyes I don't think I'd ever seen. It was pure fury, hate even. 

"Louis?" I spoke softly, but he still flinched.

"Liam's with Zayn and Niall." Taleisha lurched forward, grabbing her car keys, bolting out of the house. We only had to glance at each other to know what we were thinking.

"I'm riding shotgun!" I shouted as he opened his mouth to say the exact same. He shook his head. 

"Nooo! Race you!" With having said that, he bolted straight for the door, and I let him have the front seat, I knew he was the faster runner. 

We finally got over to Zayn and Niall's and didn't even knock, we just walked in. Louis stormed in, and I was confused. How had he gone from wanting to kill someone to running merrily out to the car, and then back again? Oh how my man confuses me. 

"Hey guys. I am so sorry! My phone died, and my car was out of petrol, and I had to walk here, and-" Liam started. 

"Stop, Liam." Taleisha cut in, walking over to Liam, and engaging in a full make out sesh. Louis looked cutely at them, and I realised he wanted that with me. I saw Niall's hand on Zayn's leg, and I noticed how cute they were together. I smiled, and pulled Louis to me, our lips meeting gently. 

"I love you Louis William Tomlinson." I told Louis, and I felt eyes on us. 

"YOU GUYS ARE SO FUCKING CUTE!!!" Zayn dared speak. Niall looked adoringly at us, and Taleisha was smiling at Liam, who was endlessly apologising to her.


I'm so so sooo sorry it's such a short chapter, I couldn't think of much, but I hadn't had a Haz POV for a while. Leave comments, vote, and share pleeeaaaase! <3 

Over the next week or so, I'll be asking for 5 votes until the next chapter's uploaded, so please share this story and get people reading. If we get more votes I'll upload more often, and I'll try to make it a lot more interesting, I've got quite a few ideas for Taleisha and Liam, and Zayn and Nialler. Buuut, we need readers, please and thank you! 

RJ x 

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