"Liam? Back to earth. Can you fight?" ~ Zayn Malik

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Harry just walked into my house, and he seemed stressed out and upset. I automatically asked what she'd done. 'She' being Mum. I knew she caused him a lot of pain and discomfort, despite her best efforts.

"Gemma, I think I'm gay." What? I didn't respond, and after a minute, he asked me to say something.

"Harry, you.. you think you're gay?" He wasn't serious.. was he?

"Yes, and if you bring up 'what about mum or dad?' I'm leaving." He pursed his lips, waiting for my reaction.

"Harry, being gay, it isn't something people are going to hate you personally for. It's not something you can really help..." He shook his head, not understanding me properly. I laughed at him. 

"Harry, stop for a second. I love you, no matter who or what you love. If you told me you loved Justin Bieber, I'd be fangirling with you at Sunrise studio, you know.. Because I love him too! Ooooh! We could bring Niall! He loves him too!" I think I was getting a bit ahead of myself, because Harry's face just dropped.

"I'm kidding little brother, calm down!" I said with a smirk, because I actually wasn't kidding.

"Um.. Gem. I'm in love with my best friend. And he feels the same." He stated obviously. I gasped, what? Is he serious, or is he just pulling my leg? No way could he already have a relationship! He just told me, if he was serious about this, he would have told me years ago!

"Harry, are you serious?" He nodded instantly. "How long have you been?"

"Umm... I don't know. Not long, don't worry. You know I'd have told you as soon as I knew." I nodded, I'd thought as much, but now I was worried about my baby brother. Well... We wasn't really my baby brother, he was only 2 years younger... And he usually acted more like a big brother than a little one.

"Harry, I love you so much, no matter what you do. Except drugs. If you start doing drugs, I'm gunna kill you before you can take another breath." I said suddenly, and he tensed.

"Harry? You haven't?" He couldn't have! I was going to kill him. I frowned when he shook his head. 

"Well.. Why'd you freeze up?" 

"Um..... Zayn used to be a dealer.. and he was kidnapped the other night." WHAT? Zayn?? NO!

"You're kidding, right?" And I started laughing. I don't even understand why.

"No, I'm serious." 



"Zayn, why are we here?" I asked, too loud. A bird went flying just above my head. Zayn laughed at me as I screamed like a girl. We walked through a warehouse, and Zayn suddenly stopped, staring ahead into the darkness. I ran into his back, and he fell over.

“SHH!! Liam, shhhh!!” He hissed at me. I frowned; he’d been talking quite loudly to me a second ago…

“Zayn? What’s up? Can we go faster? I have to get back to Taleisha, I promised I wouldn’t be gone long. She’s probably worrying.” I let my mind wander to Taleisha, my amazing girlfriend. She was beautiful and had gorgeous blue eyes, curly hair, back dimples that she hates, and freckles that were specked all over her nose. I smiled wryly just thinking about her. Her eyes were just as captivating as Niall’s. Wait, Niall? Since when did Horan come into my mind this often? I thought with a small frown.

“Liam? Back to earth. Can you fight?” He whispered. Fight? What?

“Fight? Why would I need to fight?”

“Don’t worry about it right now, but can you throw a decent punch if you needed to? Can you fight?” Zayn pressed. I nodded, holding my fists up in front of my face, giving him a pointed look.

“I’m okay.” I looked to the side, catching a glimpse of movement.

“Zayn? What was that?” Zayn spun around, and started pulling me towards the door, but not before we were cut off by a handful of bastards in black and white ninja outfits, all exactly the same look. I scowled. Ninjas?

“Who are you? And what do you want?” I said, hoping to sound dangerously menacing.

“We are someone you don't want to know. And we simply want Mr Malik. That is all we wish. If you hand him over, you and you only may go unharmed.” I shook my head furiously.

“No. I won’t let you take Zay-uhh.. Mr Malik.” My face went hard, as the older looking ninja advanced on me. I stood back to back with Zayn as they surrounded us. I growled, and heard something mumbled by Zayn.

“What Zayn?” I whispered back.

“I said… When I yell now, I want you to run through them, but take down as many as you can. I can’t take them all on my own. They will fight and they will succeed if we don’t work together. Are you up for this?” I nodded, even though I wasn’t sure if I was or not, I mean, it wasn’t like I couldn’t fight. I could, I just hated fighting. It brought out the worst in me and-

“NOW!” Zayn yelled, cutting off my thoughts. He shoved me forward after I didn’t respond. 

I raced forward and hit the first guy I saw. Blood shot out his nose and I grinned. I missed fighting. 

I hit guy after guy until Zayn and I were faced off with one more, who was a stubborn bloke who didn't want to go down. And boy, was he strong. 

Zayn indicated for me to go round to his back, which I did, quickly. The ninja turned, and Zayn raced at him, as well as me. I hit him in the back of the head- yeah I know, king hit, but necessary- and Zayn punched him in the gut before kneeing him in the face. The guy fell down straight away, instant KO, or dead... 

"Zayn, I have to go, Taleisha's waiting for me, and has been since...." I checked my watch, it was 6:30! I was due at the restaurant at 6!! "SIX!! ZAYN WE HAVE TO GO!" I screeched.

Zayn nodded, and then pointed at me.

"You can not tell her about what happened here. The more people know, the more get hurt. Or the more I get hurt...." He said with a small frown. He furrowed his eyebrows. 

I drove to the restaurant in my car and got Zayn to wait for me. I knew Niall would be instantly questioning him, so I took him with me. I drove as fast as I could, legally, to The Lagoon, and parked in the reserved space. Before I was even out the door, I felt a body slam me back into my seat. I let out a surprised yell, before hearing Taleisha's sobs. I instantly wrapped my arms around her, keeping her safe from the world. 

"Hey, hey. Whats wrong babez? Heyyy, no, calm down. I'm so, so, so sorry I'm late. I got caught up with... something." I soothed her quietly, rubbing her back. Once she finally calmed down, she looked at my ragged, disgusting appearance, which I'd forgotten about. She gasped, and demanded I tell her what happened. Her voice was full of worry, and concern and love. I froze, tensing up. Zayn told me not to get her involved. I couldn't tell her..

“Uhh, just a group of drunken guys. They got a bit rough and I got dragged and pulled a few times before I got back to the car, I’m okay though, I could handle ‘em...” What a bullshit story. I didn't know what else to say, though. She narrowed her eyes at me, clearly not believing me, but she didn't push it, for which I was grateful, because I would have caved for her. 

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