"Who's asking?" ~ Niall Horan

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"Go! We have to be knocking on Malik's door at 10 exactly, and I don't want to be even a second late," I shouted loudly as all my men scurried about getting the car fixed. It was a freaking brand new hybrid model, it shouldn't have problems. I looked at the time, and it was 9:30, it took 20 minutes to get there, and I still had to stop for petrol! I groaned and Jacob looked at me. 

"Keep going, I want this car going in 5 minutes or I'm taking one of yours and I'll make sure I total it," I threatened in a menacingly cold voice, and he scuffled off, keeping his eyes low. I like having this power, this authority over my men. I was a drug lord basically, but I didn't touch the stuff, I just sent it out to be sold. I had a 14 year old boy work for me about 5 years ago and he worked for me up till recently. I knew he never touched it, he just sold it, and damn was that boy good at it. He knew exactly who did it, he knew the type of people to point out. It didn't take much to train him, he was a quick learner, and I trained him personally. He left because I told him if he sold another 70kg he could go, and I didn't think he'd be able to actually sell it, let alone get it sold in a week!

Thinking about Zayn again made my stomach flutter with butterflies. 

We eventually got to Zayn’s place, the car fixed and running healthily, and I was 10 seconds early. I knocked on the door and stood patiently. A blonde answered the door, unexpectedly.

“Can I help you?” He said in a thick Irish accent. The second thing I noticed was his banged up face.

“Yes, I’m after Zayn Malik, please.” I said in my sweetest voice.

“Who’s asking?” He asked me in a suspicious voice.

“Lucy, he should be expecting me,” Why did he have people here? It made my blood boil to think that he had people other than me over. What if he had a girl here with him? My face grew hot and I knew I was blushing, but it wasn’t an embarrassed blush, it was a really pissed off one.

“Oh! Lucy! He’s told us so much about you! Come on in!” He gushed, ushering me inside. I grew rigid; he’s been talking about me? What had he said? Had he told them I’d been the one to get him into dealing?

He sat on the lounge chatting with 3 other boys when the Irish boy and I walked in.

"Zayn, can we speak for a moment in private?" I asked softly.

"Why? Got something to say that you can't say in front of us?" One of his friends asked me coldly.

"In fact, yes. I do. I suggest you keep out of it boy." I spat back at him, you could almost see the venom dripping off my words. He actually looked taken aback.

"Lucy, don't." Zayn broke the silence as I glared at his curly haired friend sitting beside him.  

Zayn got up off the lounge and dragged me into the next room, and shot a look back at the boys. 

"Zayn, Zayn, Zayn. I don't like people around to possibly overhear us when we're making deals." He shook his head.

"That isn't what this is. I'm not going to deal for you again, and my friends wouldn't leave." He looked at me sternly and I walked back into the lounge room and sat down, smiling innocently. The blonde looked at me suspiciously again, and I just shot him a full blown grin. He blushed and looked at the floor, before looking at Zayn, who was standing in the doorway giving me dirty looks. 

"So, boys. I'm an old friend of Zayn's." I looked around at them all, expecting them all to speak up and tell me who they were, how they knew Zayn, and why they were all there. None of them spoke.

"Harry, Louis, Liam, Taleisha, and Nialler." His face and voice softened when he reached the blonde and I automatically knew something was up. Either they were so close, as in, closer than best friends, or I was just imagining things. 

"Okay, so. Curly hair is Harry, light brown hair is Louis, short brown hair is Liam, long brown hair is Taleisha, and Irish blondie is Nialler?" I concluded. 

"Yeah." He said, tensing up at Nialler's name. 

"Niall. Close friends call me Nialler..." Niall said shyly. I nodded and sent him a sweet smile that used to drop Zayn to his knees. He just gave me an uncomfortable look and glanced at Zayn.

A while later, Liam and Taleisha left and Harry, Niall, Louis and Zayn were sitting around in uncomfortable silence.

"Zayn, I need an answer." I stated bluntly, finally breaking the silence. Harry laughed out loud and looked at me incredulously. I shot him a dirty look and turned my attention back to Zayn, who was caressing Niall's leg. I unintentionally glared at Niall who squirmed under my look. 

"I gave you an answer, it was no," He sent back offhandedly. I stood up, excused myself, and walked out the door, waiting by my car. It wasn't long before Niall came out. I was really surprised, Zayn sent his boyfriend out to do the dirty work? This wasn't like him!

"Lucy, I know you want Zayn to do something for you, but he feels so uncomfortable when you were here, and every time we question him as to what's going on, he's absolutely terrified. We don't know what to do anymore because we can't help him, we don't know what's going on! Tell me how I can help him, please?" I was shocked, literally taken aback. Niall had come out on his own terms, not because Zayn asked him to.

"You can start by coming with me, I only want Zayn to do something for me, and I think you can help me greatly." Because you mean something to him... I added in my head. He got in my car without a word, or even an argument or question as to why, and I grinned. This was going to be easy.

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