"Liam didn't even know." ~ Taleisha Shepherd

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We watched as Lucy left, swishing her tail behind her as she walked, figuratively. Niall soon excused himself and walked out the back. I had a feeling he was going to get Lucy and to talk to her, but I did nothing to stop him, I felt stupid, especially when he didn’t come back. We waited about 15 minutes before Zayn got up and walked outside, only to come back in, panicking.

“Niall’s gone!!” He yelled loudly. We all jumped off the lounge at once, racing outside to look for Niall.

“Guys! Niall’s phone!” Harry shouted, gaining our attention. We all gathered around Harry, who held Niall’s iPhone 4S.

“I’m going to fucking kill Lucy. She’s kidnapped him!” Zayn growled in a scary tone.

“Zayn, calm down, we don’t know that, call Lucy.” I told him, putting a comforting arm around him to try to calm him down a bit. He pulled out his phone and furiously dialled Lucy’s number that was obviously imprinted in his brain. It didn’t take long before he was yelling into the phone.

“Lucy! What have you done with Niall?? Get him back here right now! Bring him back!” You could almost see the steam coming out his ears. I took the phone from his hand when his face fell, and put it to my ear.

“Lucy, it’s Taleisha. I don’t know what’s going on, but please bring Niall back. You don’t understand how much he means to Zayn, and if you love him like I see you do then you’ll bring him back. Please.” I begged her.

“Taleisha, dear! I know exactly how much he means to Zayn, and I plan on giving him back, when I get what I want.” She told me, and I felt sick to my stomach. When I get what I want. Her words rang in my ears, staying with me when I hung up.

“Taleisha? Baby?” Liam cooed in my ear, and I realised I was shaking.

“Y-yeah, I’m good.. Sorry… sorry…….. Lucy won’t give Niall back till she gets what she wants. But she didn’t tell me what she wants, so I don’t-“ I started before Zayn cut in.

“I know what she wants, and I’m going to give it to her.” Zayn interrupted me. We all stared at him with a crazy look.

“ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? YOU ARE NOT GIVING HER ANYTHING!” Harry yelled, making us all wince, except Zayn who sat there with a sad look on his face. Zayn just got up and walked out the door, and I soon heard the car roar to life, and Harry raced out with a torn look on his face. We all walked out after him, and saw Harry sitting on the kerb swearing at nothing, Louis went over and sat behind him, hugging him. Harry didn’t move, but he didn’t push Lou away.

We all sat and waited for Zayn to come back. Harry had calmed down quite dramatically. That is, until Zayn walked in the door with Niall. He flared up again and nobody could stop him from punching Zayn in the face.

“WHAT THE FUCK??” Zayn yelled, and anyone could see Harry fuming again.

“What did you give her?” Harry asked more calmly than he looked.

“What?” He looked taken aback. “What are you talking about?”

“What did you give her to get Niall back?” Harry demanded.

“I……I told her I’d deal for her again…” Zayn confessed reluctantly.


“Calm down Harry, I won’t get us killed. I promise.” Zayn looked sincere, and I couldn’t help but look over to Liam, who was frowning. I leaned over and put my fingers at the corners of his mouth, pulling his lips up into a smile. I pulled my fingers away and a real smile was left, and he leaned in and gently pecked me on the lips. I smiled into it as he pulled away and he rested his hand on my thigh, wrapping his other arm around me as I sat. 

The two boys continued their feud until I stood up and announced I was leaving because they were giving me a headache. Liam got up and walked out with me. I stopped at the door and turned around to see Niall cuddled up with Zayn, and Harry stuck looking at us, holding Louis closely,  but was previously going off at Zayn. Zayn sat there with a calm look as Niall rubbed his hand gently. I stood there stupidly staring at all my friends when randomly I burst into tears, falling to the floor. Liam immediately caught me, picking me up and putting me on the lounge as I sobbed into my hands while Liam held me close, rocking me back and forth. I heard the boys whispering around me, asking Liam what's wrong with me, trying to ask me, comfort me, trying to cheer me up. I finally stopped sobbing and sat up, leaning into Liam's chest. 

"I'm sorry. I just realised how much you all mean to me, I'm sorry," I whispered. "I don't know what happened, I just... I love you all so much!" 

I didn't know how to tell them I was pregnant. Liam didn't even know.

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