"Harry? Why did you just kiss me?" ~ Louis Tomlinson

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"CORNERS!!" Liam shouted at the top of his lungs. I heard Harry laugh like a crazy man in the front seat, just before we went around a roundabout..... 4 times. I swear he wanted me to be sick in the car. I was never one for car sickness, but after this I might have to rethink that. It didn't help Liam and Zayn were leaning on me because of the direction the car was going... 

"Harry, please stop! I'm going to be sick! Stop the car!" I yelled over the music, knowing he'd hear me.

"Nah you're fine." He replied in a snarky tone, but he pulled over, knowing me too well to think I was joking. 

I tumbled out of the car and ran around to the grass, immediately throwing up any food I'd had to eat today. Well there goes ... last night's dinner? Ew! After a few minutes, Harry got out, mumbled something to the boys, and came around to me, rubbing my back softly. It was soothing- until I threw the bile in my stomach up. About half an hour of dry retching and bile, I decided that I was done. Climbing back into the car with Zayn in the driver's seat and Harry next to me. Niall looked back at me from the passenger seat, with a look that said, "you look like shit Lou."

"Don't say it Niall. I already know." I said sourly to him.

"Say what? I didn't say anything..." He said innocently.

"You didn't have to. That look said enough." I said with a bitter edge to my words, not to mention a bitter taste to my tongue.

Harry put his arm around me, and I soon fell into his chest, dead to the world asleep, still feeling shitty.

"Guys, no! Shh! He's still sleeping, just go in, I'll meet you in there when he wakes up ok?" a familiar voice spoke up, interrupting my sleep. I stayed still, and kept my breathing as even as I could. 

"Are you sure? Both of you will miss out on Niall's birthday dinner though.. That's a shame Harry, I don't think Lou would wanna miss that.." This came from Liam, his voice was deep and loud, unlike the first voice. I wasn't sure if it was Harry or Zayn though. I finally decided it was Harry. Keeping my eyes closed, I noticed I was in a kind of uncomfortable position; Harry's arm still wrapped securely around me, giving me a feeling of safety and security, making me feel like nothing could hurt me. My head was resting on the far side of his chest, my arm was clinging to his upper thigh, awfully close to his crotch region. I snuck a peek and jumped, seeing Harry's grey-blue eyes boring into my crystal blue ones. 

"Hey sleeping beauty, how was your hour long nap?" I snapped my head up, realising I was drooling on Harry's sexy leg.

"I WAS OUT FOR AN HOUR!?!?" I screamed, making Hazza wince. 

"Sorry." Oops, maybe too loud..

"Yeah, s'all good. Yeah out for an hour. Did you want me to wake you?" He asked with a confused expression. 

"Yes! We have to go say happy birthday to Niall! We cannot just sit here and-"

"Lou, calm down. Shhhhhh," He attempted to calm me down. That wasn't going to work right now, I was too worked up. I sat up straight as fast as I could, getting out of the car and running into the restaurant we were parked in front of. When I got to the door and I grabbed the handle, my vision went blurry and I couldn't see anything, my world spinning before my eyes. My legs failed me and I felt myself falling toward the cement beneath my feet. I winced, anticipating the pain in my side I was about to get, not expecting a strong pair of arms to catch me, and haul me up. 

"Harry?" I said in wonder, my vision still dancing. 

"Yeah Louis, it's me. What was that? Are you ok?" I shook my head no, because I knew I couldn't stand. I couldn't even see!

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