"Could my luck get any worse today?" ~ Niall Horan

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At first I didn't think anything of it,  but as I slowly woke up, realising I was in someones bed, I looked up drowsily. 

"Liam? Where are we? Where's Zayn?" And Louis? "And Louis?" I saw Liam shrug through my drowsy, heavy eyes.

A few hours later, or so I presumed, I heard yelling, then a car door slamming. 


"Well, Harry, I suppose we could, oh I dunno this might be a bit off par, but maybe call the police? Ya know, those people that are trained to deal with this sort of shit!" Liam spat back coldly. I flinched, Liam was never this cold.

Wait- Did Harry say someone's been kidnapped? What? I snapped up in bed, and realised it was in Louis' bed. Nobody was in the room, but I got up and bolted out to where I suspected Harry and Liam were arguing, I had no idea if Louis was even here. I walked out to see Harry and Liam talking quietly. I decided to go back to bed, now that nothing seemed to be wrong.

I woke up in a bed, a different one than what I was in earlier. It wasn't mine... Or Zayn's. Yeah I know, you're thinking 'why would he be in Zayn's bed?' Well. We live together so it wasn't unusual for me to climb into Zayn's bed every now and again. Having someone in my arms gave me a sense of safety, besides, I liked sleeping in Zayn's bed, it smelled like him.

I got up, finally deciding to look around. To my utter surprise, the house was a mansion and had so many doors and hallways. I finally maneuvered through to the front of the house, which I assumed was where the front door was. 

"He-Hello?" I called out loudly, hoping someone I knew would come forward. 

"Hello?" I called more loudly, stepping forward, which was a bad idea because I hadn't seen the steps in front of me, and I fell face first down the 3 stairs.

"UMMPHH!" I managed as my face hit the carpet, and I slid. Not thinking to use my hands, I got up with carpet burns on my face, as well as a hurting cheek. I heard chuckling to my right and I spun around to see a gorgeous looking girl in the house. 

She had long curly brown-blonde hair, captivating blue eyes and she looked short. I couldn't tell from where I stood, but she looked about a couple inches shorter than me. Her cheeks had a faint flush over them and her lips were a delicate pink colour, she was beautiful. She had her hand on her hip and was leaning on a doorframe, staring at me expectantly. I blinked.

"What?" Did she say something?

"I said... Who are you? Why are you in my house?" Good question.. 

"Ohh... sorry. I'm Niall Horan.. I'm not sure why I'm in your house though... Last I remember I was asleep on Liam's shoulder and-" I froze. Not sure if I should tell her I was asleep on Liam's shoulder.. It was the last thing I remember. 

"Liam.... Payne?" She asked, narrowing her eyes. I nodded slowly. How did she know Liam?

"I'm sorry.. Who are you?" I asked with a frown flitting across my face momentarily, before my confusion returned.

"I'm Liams girlfriend.. Taleisha."

I stared. I'd been checking out my best friend's girlfriend? I was dead. As if on cue, Liam walked out, grinning at me, and slinging his arm around Taleisha's shoulder. He leaned down to her short face, and left a gentle kiss on her plump lips. I was jealous.. I wanted that with someone.

"So Niall, when did you wake up.. and what's that red mark on your face?" I blushed, knowing he meant the burn. 

"Oh, nevermind, it must be your blush. Oops, my mistake." This only made me blush harder.

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