"You don't mess with Zayn Malik..." ~ Zayn Malik

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"Home." I heard Louis whisper, just. 

"Lou, that's at least a 3 hour walk, just get in the car." I sighed.

"NO!!! Walking home will at least give me time to think about... never mind." He turned away again, and I let him go.

As i climbed back into the car to find Liam and Niall leaning on each other, asleep. I noticed Zayn wasn't there. I looked around outside the car, expecting him to be nearby. I nudged Liam gently, as not to wake Niall. Liam stirred, opening his eyes to see my worried greeny-blue eyes. 

"Hey Harry, what's up?" He yawned, without moving Niall even in the slightest.

"Where's Zayn?" I said, trying not to hint that I was worried. I hadn't seen Zayn at all tonight, apart from when we left. Liam looked around before his eyes widened, realising Zayn wasn't in the car. 

"I have no idea, he got in with us... Then we fell asleep and then.. I dunno! Why? Has something happened? Where's Louis?"

"Lou went home. He's walking." I said gingerly. I couldn't help but let my mind wander over to Louis. Was he OK? Is he going to get home safe? I couldn't let him walk home.. He'd get mugged. What if he's already been mugged and he's sitting there hurt and needing me? My eyes snapped wide open at this realisation. I imagined him lying on the curb all banged up and bruised, bleeding and it would be all my fault. I puctured his perfect face in my mind, knowing in the back of my mind, even if I didn't want to admit it, that I loved him, and there was nothing I could do to help it.

"Sorry Zayn....." I muttered, jumping into the driver's seat. As I started the car in my hurry, I stalled it. 

"Damnit." I mumbled under my breath. 

"Liam, where are we going, where's Zayn? Why are we leaving without Zayn, where's Louis?" Niall asked quietly, just waking up.  

"Shhhh. Zayn's just gone for a walk, and Louis' on his way home now. We'll see him soon." Liam whispered in his ear. Niall closed his eyes peacefully and I turned the aircon off, speeding along the road I'd seen Louis heading down. Soon I saw a figure up ahead. Sighing with relief, I pulled over, yelling out.

"Lou! Get back in the car, I need your help!" Louis turned around, and I caught a glimpse of relief flash across his face, before he opened the door and jumped in shotgun.

"God, I'm such a dick Louis, I am so sorry!" I gushed, and waited for Louis to respond. He didn't.


"Harry. You are a dick. I don't know why I love you like I do. I really don't. You need to stop being an ass to people you don't even know!" As my mind processed his words, I was speechless.

"Lou.... I really am sorry."

"Forget about it." He glanced at me, but I held his eyes, captivated by the magical blue they were. He smiled softly, and I knew I was forgiven for my stupid acts.



"What should we do with him, boss?" I heard a strange voice. I lay there a while longer, just listening, used to these situations. I shouldn't have been used to being kidnapped, but I was.

"Get rid of him. We don't need him, and neither did the gay pair in the car. He knows nothing. He's just some stupid pretty boy I bet." Another voice came. I dared open my eyes, and I didn't like what I saw. I got a face full of hair. Not my hair either, which was what shocked me most. It was blonde hair, and at first I thought it was Niall, then I realised Niall's hair didn't have a streak of blue through it.

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