Is this the end?

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Everything was falling apart. Louis was passed out in my arms, blood flowing out of his wrists, Zayn and Niall were missing, possibly dead; Liam and Taleisha hadn’t been heard from for about 3 days, and I was the only one in the group right now. I had nobody to talk to, nobody I trusted anyway. Putting Louis down gently on his bed, I headed to the kitchen for a drink to try and calm myself down before I had an anxiety attack. 

I walked in to find taco shells, and a whole picnic set out, everything to make tacos with, a nicely set table, everything. I burst into tears. I heard footsteps, and I turned my head to see a groggy, pale, washed out Louis staring wide-eyed at me. He looked like a zombie.

“Louis? You did this?” I asked him, my voice broken, I indicated toward the taco setup. He said nothing. I glanced down at his wrists, happy to see nothing there, but my heart fell through my feet when I saw blood dripping down to his wrists. I followed the blood up his arm to see cuts all over his forearm. I gasped, running to him.

“Why?” I whispered, horrified. He kept quiet. I grabbed his arm, and he winced, turning his head from me. I pulled him to the sink, grabbing a wet cloth and dabbing it gently. He sat on a stool and didn’t speak, didn’t move, didn’t do anything.

“Louis? Please speak to me. I’m sorry.” He looked up with a sad face.

“Harry, I love you. I hate when you leave, even if it is just to the shop for bread. I hate it when you have to leave, because I have all these thoughts that you won’t come back. All these things in my head just tell me that you’re never coming back for me, and I get scared.” I was gaping at his confession. He thought I was going to leave him for good?

“I’m not going to leave you, ever. I promise.” I told him sternly, and he nodded meekly, looking like a 3 year old that just got told off for touching the fish tank for the tenth time. I hugged my boyfriend tightly, never wanting to ever let him go. I had some blood on my dark blue shirt, not that it was noticeable, but I reluctantly let Louis go, and stripped my shirt off, and went off to soak it so it wouldn’t stain.

I got to the washing machine, put in my shirt, along with some other random stuff on the floor, and put the cycle on for rinse, and walked away, only to realise how much of a girl I was with my clothes. I laughed out loud at myself, and I found Louis sitting on the lounge, reaching for the remote. I quickly dived, reaching it before him and handing it to him. I couldn’t have him hurt again, intentional or not, he couldn’t be hurting because I wasn’t there to stop it from happening.  

“Harry… I can pick up a remote control…” He told me defensively. I shrugged and pouted.

“Just helping my perfect boyfriend.” I sent back, still pouting. Louis grinned and I winked at him flirtatiously. I took his hand in mine and lead him up to the bedroom. 


A few months later, I sat on the lounge in the main room with Taleisha curled up on my lap, holding her tummy. I snaked my hand around and placed my hand on her growing stomach; our growing child. We didn't yet know the gender of the baby, but we were hoping for a healthy baby. We didn't care what the gender was, but we hadn't referred to the kid as 'it', and that's how it'd stay. We'd chosen names from the second month. It was coming into the fourth month of pregnancy. As we all sat there watching TV, my mind flashed back to when we told the boys. 

We'd just gotten home from the doctors with a positive result. I drove, over excited about the thought of having children with my baby girl. We walked in the door of our house, and by our, I mean mine, Taleisha's, and the boys' house we'd moved into, all together in the one massive house. Zayn and Niall shared a room, Louis and Harry shared a room, and Taleisha and I shared a room, obviously. All three rooms had ensuites, and the spare bedroom was going to be the baby's room. Harry and Louis sat curled up on the lounge, lips locked and engaged in a full on making out session. We cleared our throats awkwardly, and they split apart instantly, Harry looking a bit embarassed while Louis looked proud. We laughed at them. 

"We have good news! But we need everyone here!" Harry got up, leaving Louis to fall back onto the lounge.

"I'll go get everyone! I think they're in the bedroom," Haz yelled with a wink. 

"ZAYN AND NIALL YOU'D BETTER BE CLOTHED WHEN I COME IN!" He shouted, making Taleisha flinch. I hugged her tighter and she cuddled into my side. We sat down on the stable lounge room table, and when Harry came down the hallway with the two other boys, they sat on the lounge with Louis in front of us. Zayn's hair was messy, and Niall's face bright red. Harry wore a grin from ear to ear (one he was famous for) and Louis lay on his side, all the boys sitting in front of him, his head sticking out beside Harry, his feet next to Zayn, with Nialler in the middle. 

"So, what's this news?" Niall asked in his Irish accent that we all loved. Nobody could quite do an Irish accent. I gave Taleisha a look that was asking her if she wanted to say it or if I was going to. She nodded and I kept quiet. 

"We're having a baby," She told them, trying to hold back her squeals of excitement. Soon enough cheers erupted through the room and questions came from left, right and centre. Things like 'gender?', 'how far are you?', 'have you thought of names?' and so on came shooting at us, and we answered them best we could. 

The only problem to them was us not wanting to know the gender of the kid. They thought it proposterous that we wanted to get a surprise. 

"How are you going to name it if you don't know it's gender?" They asked. Before they even got the last word, Taleisha stopped Harry right in his tracks. 

"We might not know the gender of our baby, but we are not at all ever calling the kid 'it'. Okay? Nobody calls the kid 'it'. We'll call him or her 'the kid'. They all nodded and never called the kid 'it' again. 

Coming back to the present, I had my hand resting on a part of Taleisha's swelling belly, her hand touching mine, when I felt a movement. We gasped and she sat upright in a flash. Louis was by her side in a second, thinking something was wrong. 

"What happened? What's going on?" He asked, ready for anything. 

"I... I felt the kid kick! Liam did you feel that!?" I nodded quickly, my hand still resting there, trying to feel him/her kicking again, but unsuccessfully. 

"That was amazing! That's the first time she.... or he...'s ever done that! Liam, you felt it too!" She exclaimed, excited we both felt it at the same time. 

"We are going to be the best Uncles in the world, like ever!" Niall yelled randomly. We all grinned at each other, Taleisha in my warm embrace. 

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