But What Would I Wear!

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"Kenny! Kenny, can you hear me?" No response. "Earth to Kenny!"

The man finally switched his attention back to his sister who was staring at him through the computer screen. "Sorry, Katy. a little distracted."

"I could tell," Katy scoffed, a small grin tugging at the corners of her mouth.

"What was the question?"

"What color would you like your suit? I asked you this like five minutes ago, what the hell have you been doing in that time?" Katy rubbed her forehead, her already aching head starting to pound a little more.

Currently, she sat in Tom's London home, visiting him for a part of the summer. He was currently out walking Bobby while Katy stayed behind to do some planning for the wedding. They were thinking about getting married in the winter, which was only a few months away. She had a lot to do in such a short amount of time.

"I already told you, camo!" the man chuckled, taking a long sip from his beer. "I'm kidding, Katy. I'm fine with anything. This is your wedding after all!"

"Just no orange right?" she chuckled, giving her brother a grin.

"Of course not! I'm not wearing that university's colors!"

"I like how mom and I didn't even go there for our entire college experience, yet we're still counting ourselves as part of the rival team." The two chuckled, enjoying the moment that brought back fond memories. The laughter faded, revealing Katy's frown and emotion-filled eyes.

"She's proud of you, you know that right?" Kenny knew immediately what she was thinking about. The same thought crossed his mind.

"I know," she nodded, sighing a little and forcing a grin as she looked back up at her brother through the computer screen. "I just wish she could have been here for this. I wish I could feel her hug me goodbye as I leave for my honeymoon, or see her tears as she sees me walk down the aisle."

"I know, Katy. Me too." He gave a reassuring grin, "Everyone else will be there. I know she was the most important one, but surely the fact that all of your other loved ones are going to be there means something, right?"

"Yeah... it does, for sure," she was silent for a moment, staring blankly at her brother. "I think I need to go take a nap or something," she chuckled, a yawn escaping her mouth. "Mind if I talk to you later?"

"Not at all. Talk later Katy, Love you."

"Love you too bubba," she smiled, and the two waved bye before hanging up.

Katy set her laptop on the coffee table, which was already completely covered in wedding ideas and plans, before falling back against the couch with a sigh. Her eyes closed as she pinched the bridge of her nose.

"Hot chocolate?" Tom whispered, leaning over the couch with a mug in hand and a gentle grin on his face.

Katy smiled at the man, taking her mug of hot chocolate from Tom. "Hey hey! Don't spill that on the couch!" Tom leapt over the back of the couch, plopping down on the couch next to his fiancee.

"Sorry love, I didn't wanna go around," Tom kissed Katy on the cheek before taking a sip of his drink. "So, how is wedding planning going?"

"Well-" Katy signed, placing her head on Tom's shoulder, "I still haven't found a place to have the wedding, which is ruining my decoration plans."

"I think I have a solution to that problem, my love." A smile slowly crept upon his face, the man seemingly holding back the urge to bounce in his seat.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2021 ⏰

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