One for Sorrow: Part 2

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The last hour of their drive was hell; Katy couldn't sit still even if she tried. Her body was shaking in anticipation of seeing her mom and her heart ached at possibilities running through her head, making her emotional every now and then, which was when Tom would have to calm her down.

Finally they reached the hospital, Katy running in and Tom hot on her heels. "Where's my mother?" Katy shouted despite Tom's pleas for her to quiet down in the hospital.

"Miss what's your mother's name?" a nurse asked from the desk.

Katy rushed over to the man, practically slamming her hands on the table. "Diane Bell."

The moment the name left her lips the nurses face went pale, which caused Katy to panic even more, the fear visible on her face. "Where is she?"

"Uh... she's in room 136, but-"

The man couldn't even finish before Katy rushed down the hall to see her mother. "Mom!" she exclaimed, busting through the door.

Once in the room, there was her mom's husband, Tony, sitting next to a bed with a sheet covering the person in it. He was staring at Katy with wide eyes. "Where's my mother, Tony?" Katy gritted her teeth, her body still shaking. He didn't answer, he only glanced at the bed.

The realization hit her and it was like she short circuited. She couldn't hear Tom talking to her or feel his firm grip on her shoulders. Was she breathing? It felt like she was sinking to the bottom of the Mariana Trench. Her heart felt like it was going to burst, the woman clutching her chest as she ran out of the room and back to the nurse, unable to hear Tom's calls.

"Diane Bell, I need her belongings," she demanded, her tone full of emotion but still stern.

It was the same nurse from earlier that rushed around behind the desk to find the belongings. Luckily, it seemed her mom's purse wasn't even touched. With the purse slung over her shoulder, she unzipped the outside pocket, keeping her hand on a familiar grip as she walked back down the hall to the room.

"Who was driving the car, Tony?" Katy asked, giving the man a death glare and completely ignoring her boyfriend next to her.

"I was..."

"And whose fault was it Tony? You, or the other driver?" she pressed, her anger building up by the second.

Tony hesitated, glancing to her hand before looking back to her face. "It was my fault, Katy. I'm so sorry..."

"You son of a bitch!" Katy yelled, dropping the purse as she pulled out the gun to point it at him.

"Katy no!" Tom shouted, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her to the ground in a kneeling position with him. "Drop it Katy, you'll regret it if you don't," his tone was gentle and caring, but the death grip on her wrists didn't lessen.

"You don't understand, Tom! She told him repeatedly, practically every time they drove, that she hated the way he drives! That her scares the hell out of her everytime she drives with him! This murderer didn't listen!" Her anger at Tony was slowly taken over by her distraught and frayed nerves.

"I know, honey. I know..." he whispered. "I'm so sorry, but you need to drop the gun. I can't let you hurt yourself even more than you already are." He dropped his head to her shoulder, his body starting to tremble with his own emotions. But Katy needed him to be strong, so he willed himself to not cry. And she gave in and dropped the gun, her sorrow pouring out. She turned around, burying her face in Tom's chest as she cried.


Mere minutes before the Resistance left to join the final battle, Loki and Iro within their ranks, Iro suddenly got a stabbing pain in her heart. She shouted aloud, clutching her chest and falling to her knees, the pain not subsiding in the least. It only seemed to grow.

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