Because This Is Totally How Normal Relationships Start.

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Katy's screams echoed in her room as she woke up and fell out of the bed. She was in shock from the events that she just went through, so lost in thought that she didn't feel herself hit the ground and didn't hear her own cries of fear and pain that she had suffered just moments before. Her heart pounded and she couldn't hear over the blood rushing through her ears.

Stumbling to her feet, Katy rushed out of her room, slamming the door behind her as she went to the bathroom. After locking the door, she quickly took her shirt off, examining her wounds in the mirror. Although, when she looked, there wasn't a scratch on her. No scars on her arms and torso from getting cut with blades on missions. Her skin was fair again, not sunkissed anymore. The callouses on her hands weren't there anymore either. It was only then that she began to breathe normally again.

"Thank god I'm home alone..." she mumbled to herself, legs shaking as she stood in front of the mirror.

Her thoughts were all over the place and her breathing started to become shallow and quick. Everything from that dream was too vivid to be just that. The pain from every wound, the feelings of love, fear, and anger. The hot sun on her skin every day. The sand down her dress in all the wrong places, how exhausted she felt after swimming across the Nile. Everything just seemed too real.

She couldn't stop her body shaking and the tears running down her face. She fell to the ground, pulling herself up against the wall with her knees to her chest and her face hidden in them as she screamed. All emotions came pouring out in her screams and tears. Hate for having died after saving Callisto, guilt for putting him through the ordeal in the first place. Anger at the guards and herself.

But then again, it was just a dream, wasn't it? Katy couldn't understand why she would cry and feel over such a dream. Yet how realistic it felt... it couldn't have been a dream. Katy sniffled and her tears dried up. Her heart still pounded but not as loud and hard as before.

Once she had calmed down a little more, she went back to her room to get dressed for the day. When she entered the room, she felt like she was in a foreign place. Unsure of where the exact placement of all of her items were. Hesitantly and slowly, Katy reminded herself how to work the drawers of her wardrobe and the sliding doors of her closet. She finally felt that she was getting her head out of the dream, until her phone rang.

Practically jumping out of her skin, she instantly took on a defensive position and reaching for the non-existent blade on her hip. The phone continued to ring, the girl staring at it for a moment before something finally clicked in her brain that she should answer it. Quickly picking it up from her nightstand, she looked at the name and it took a moment for her to realize it was her own mother.

"Hello?" she answered, hesitation in her voice.

"Hi, honey! I only have a moment but I just wanted to make sure you were awake," her mother began, hurrying back inside the business from her lunch break. "Don't forget to feed the animals this morning. Your brother will be back at about three from work, so he can feed them tonight. See you tonight hun!" Finally, she had finished speaking. It seemed like she didn't even take a breath, she spoke so quickly.

Before Katy could respond, the call had ended from her mom's end of the phone. All the tasks that Katy was asked to do, and she could barely even get herself dressed. Today was definitely going to be long, and interesting.

Most of the poor girl's morning was spent trying to keep herself from screaming or jumping every five minutes. Luckily, she succeeded at everything except for the toaster. Although, in her defense, she was lost in thought at the time. The adjustment period ended up being shorter than she expected, which she was grateful for. Since her long night with the most vivid dream of her life, she felt different. She was more aware of her surroundings, she felt a little stronger when she had carried a bag of horse feed to the shed, and her reflexes were quicker.

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