Godly Duties

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Standing in the foyer of the castle, Iro stood with her arms crossed, eyebrows furrowed at the request from the child in front of her. "You want to what now?"

With a groan of frustration, Ciel pinched the bridge of his nose. "I want to build a Funtom factory in this country, if you'll allow me."

As Iro listened to the request, she felt eyes burning into her, the woman glancing over at the red-eyed demon butler of Ciel's who was currently staring at her very intensely, something about her was disturbing him today. "Wait, have you been here this whole time? Ever since the wedding?" Iro shook her head, drawing her attention back to the person in front of her.

"Yes, is that a problem? I thought we were welcome here."

"Ciel, it's almost been a month! Why didn't you come ask me about this sooner?" She was a little worried about the timeline of his universe, but she was pretty sure it was fine.

"We decided to explore your country."

Before Iro could respond, a man, Ciel's butler to be exact, appeared behind her, breathing in her scent and running his hands over her torso, mumbling 'interesting'. Iro shivered before jumping away from him, staring at him with wide eyes and hands on her stomach where he had touched her. "Sebastian! What the hell was that?" she exclaimed, only getting a slightly confused look from Sebastian before he studied her features again from afar.

"What was that about? Nevermind, apologize!" Ciel barked, hitting Sebastian's leg with his cane, but it wasn't enough to actually hurt him.

Looking over to his master then back to Iro, Sebastian bowed, "Sincerest apologies, my lady. I don't know what came over me." His voice was monotone, but she could tell he meant the apology. Which was strange considering who he was.

"What was that about?" Iro questioned, repeating Ciel's words.

"You smell different, sweeter even," he moved his hand over his mouth, humming a bit. "I don't exactly..." Sebastian went quiet as his thoughts trailed out. Then he quirked an eyebrow at her and shook his head. "Never mind. Ignore my actions, please."

Iro narrowed her eyebrows at the demon for a moment before turning back to Ciel. "You know, kid, this isn't the nineteenth century. If you want to have a factory here, in the modern-day, you have to figure out what things you can make that will actually make you money. Plus, I don't know how I feel about you leaving your timeline to come here."

Ciel scoffed at her concerns, shaking his head, "Your concerns are noted, but I believe we can handle what comes our way. If the factory is a success, I'll get my staff, and we'll build a manor here."

Iro was quiet for a moment, going over his words. How bad would it actually be if they stayed here? She didn't know, and that worried her. "Yes to the factory, let me think about letting you move here." Ciel nodded, seeming to agree to her offer. "You can stay here in the meantime. When you're ready, my staff will show you to your room." She gestured to a maidservant standing off to the side.

Ciel grinned a little, holding his hand out to Iro, which she accepted. "There's one more thing, your majesty. I am not aware of, nor do I possess, the monetary value of this world. I would like to ask for a favor in helping me construct my factory."

Iro chuckled a little, rolling her eyes at the question. She had expected it, naturally. "That's fine. Go to the bank and handle the financials with them." With their conversation coming to a close, the two said their farewells as Ciel left to start on the factory.

Once they were out of sight of the queen, Ciel reached up as far as he could, slapping Sebastian on the back of the head. "You idiot! What the hell was that inside? Are you a pervert butler now?"

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