Comic Caught-Ya!

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Katy's winter break after her first semester was a little bit of a rollercoaster of emotions. Before the semester had ended, she turned eighteen and got her first tattoo: her mom's handwriting from the birthday card she had sent her. When she got home for the winter, she was only there for a matter of days before she, her mom, and a few others drove to Florida to hand out donations to victims of the hurricane.

Now, to understand the first loop on her ride, you have to understand what had happened a year prior. The town she lived in was also hit by a hurricane. After the storm had subsided, her family began handing out donations to the needy. They even offered their home to friends who had lost their homes. During that time, they met an elderly gentleman named Terry. They swore he was an angel in disguise. The kind-hearted, quiet man had been living with them ever since.

Back to current day, mid-December of twenty-eighteen, Katy and the others were busy wrapping gifts for the children of families who couldn't afford to buy Christmas that year. Everyone was exhausted from the long day's work, so a phone call from her mom's fiance saying that Terry had had an accident wasn't a good addition. He had fallen down the stairs and hit his head, causing internal bleeding.

Once Katy and her family had arrived home, they spent Christmas day going to visit him in the hospital. It made everything even harder to see him in the state he was in, and to know that his children hadn't even come to see him yet. Of course, they weren't angry with them, just a little disappointed. After they had said their goodbyes, they went back home to open presents and have dinner. The next day, December twenty-sixth, Terry had passed away. The death was hardest on her mom, but she also felt a sting in her heard from his passing.

That weekend, only three days after, the last loop in Katy's rollercoaster came. Her mom was getting married! It was a small wedding, but very cute and rustic, which fit her mom perfectly. The bride rode in on her horse, which stressed out Katy and her brother a shitton. They both walked her mom up and gave her away with their lab as the ring bearer.

After winter break was over, Katy and her friend from the Netherlands returned to the university. Katy first dropped off her friends and then went back to where the convention was going to be. Luckily, the university wasn't too far, so she would be able to enjoy the whole weekend and return for her morning classes.

"Hey, my Katy-bug! How are you?" Her mom chirped through the phone. It had been a couple of hours since she had heard from Katy and she was getting a tad worried.

"Hey, mom!" Katy was currently walking into the hotel that the convention was being held in, a spring in her step as she got closer. "I'm good, just got to the convention center. It's at the same place as the Supernatural convention was at!" As she approached the doors, she dug through her purse for her ticket. Once she was inside, the chatter of the crowd grew louder the closer she got to the convention portion of the hotel.

"Oh, that's great, honey! I'm glad you got there safely." A smile was obviously planted on her face, excited for her daughter's adventure. "I'll let you go, it sounds busy. Love you!"

"Love you too!" With that, the ladies hung up and Katy went to start her first day at the convention.

The booths and cosplayers were one of the best things she saw. There were plenty of people dressed as characters from Supernatural and the Marvel universe. She laughed to herself; she'd met the characters they pretended to be. Of course, there were others who displayed as game characters, anime characters, and mythical creatures.

At the end of the day, Katy's feet were killing her to the point of burning if she sat down. On the plus side, she enjoyed the panels by some pretty famous celebrities that she was excited to see, also getting the chance to have a photo op with them. After the crowd had died down some, she did her shopping and got some pretty cool merchandise; one of her favorites being the Loki themed leather jacket.

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