Lost Boy

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"Dinner!" the youngest twin cheered. William clapped his hands as his sister Arwen whooped.

Iro set the plates of spaghetti in front of the twins, garlic bread at the center of the table, and drinks already set. Then she gave one piece each to her kids. She turned to do the same to her husband, only to find him setting it at the far end of the table.

She stared at the plate, and then her husband in distaste. "Why?"

"You eat all the garlic bread... every time!" Loki huffed and pointed at her. "If you want some then I'll give it to you - one at a time - before the entire plate is gone!"

Iro pouted and sat down with her single bread. Arwen and William giggled at the scene and began to devour their meal in tandem. Like true three-year-olds, they didn't use any utensils and instead opted for fists, much to their father's dislike. Iro, on the other hand, knew that a bath was in order at the end of the day.

Suddenly a sneezing fit assaulted William and the family watched in amusement and he sneezed repeatedly. Then it stopped and he shook his head, rubbing his nose.

"You okay there bud?" Iro asked, taking up another mouthful of noodles.


Another sneeze and the child was gone.

Silence reigned in the dining room, all eyes on the booster seat where the younger twin once sat. Without a word Loki sighed and slurped up the rest of his food.

Arwen looked around for her brother but he was nowhere in sight. Then she grinned. "Will's gone! I get his dessert!"

Iro groaned tiredly. "His powers came in."

"Forty feet radius?" Loki hummed, rising from the table to find their child.

"Forty feet."

Arwen swallowed the last bite and held up her plate. "Daddy I finished!"

In a mansion, Sebastian sneezed as he chopped carrots for a stew.

Loki stopped on the way out of the dining room, Iro passing him by. "Something doesn't feel right."

"Could it be our son missing or something else?" she replied blandly as she checked behind the couch in the corner. Nope, no William.


"Then we'll worry about the something else later and find Will."

After a half-hour of searching, Iro and Loki slowly became panicked. There was no sign of him in any area of the house. He would've called out or come running into the dining room by then but there was nothing!

It was time to take this seriously, and for the both of them to go searching. "Ciel! Answer your fucking phone for crying out loud!"

"Iro honey, language around Arwen, please."

She only shot her husband a glare, and continued to wait for the young lord to answer his home phone. The dial tone ended. "Your majesty, this is a surprise. Is there something I can help you with?" The voice was deep and soft; the goddess knew exactly who it was.

"Sebastian! I need you to come and babysit Arwen for a little while."

"What? Iro! Not him!" Loki whispered, trying to grab the phone from her hand. The woman just shooed him away.

"William is missing and we need you to come watch Arwen while we look for him." There was no response from the butler until she heard a knock on the window. She rolled her eyes and put her phone back in her pocket, walking over to the window and opening it. "Bassy, why don't you just use the door?"

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