SKOMO Quest: Part 2

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Katy tapped her foot and scowled as she waited for her commanding officer to finish his meeting with the rest of the senior staff. Apparently, she'd done too many things once again that challenged her C.O. and now she was being let go. She shifted against the cold seat in Central Command.

"I have had it with her!" his booming voice came from the other side of the door. "One of you have to take her!"

"You think we want that demon spawn in our teams?" another voice asked. "She was with me last time and last I remembered, Erwin doesn't listen to me! Let's not forget her mouthy tendencies."

Katy snorted, thinking back to the time he told her to 'stay' and she responded with: "Do I look like a damn dog to you? Do I have a tail sticking out of my ass? I may be a dog of the military but I don't respond to animal commands."

Her C.O. had stared at her. "You'll sit and stay like the dog you are."

She punched him for that, which led her up to the moment she was currently in. She sighed and stretched; they'd been going at it for almost two hours. No one wanted her on their team because she was described as unstable among other things.

"I'll take her."

The smile instantly slid off Katy's face as she looked towards the door. She was baffled that someone was willing to take her on their team. They must be ballsy or they just haven't heard the stories about her. The other officers apparently thought the same.

"Come again?"

"I'll take on Erwin." The voice was soft and distinctly female. "Major or not she needs a commanding officer."

"You're digging yourself a grave with that one, Wilson. You're brand new to dealing with teams."

Katy raised an eyebrow. Wilson was the name?

"Doesn't matter. I'll be taking her on."

The door opened and several men stepped through, followed by a woman. Katy's eyes landed on the woman, giving her a once over. Black hair, dark green eyes, obviously someone from the senior staff if she was allowed a team. She also noticed she was a few inches taller than Wilson. The name didn't sound familiar and her looks were too detailed, too much thought was put into her. Was she just another background character?

"Hey, Wilson. I'm Katy, nice to meet you," Katy stood and held her hand out to shake Wilson's hand, giving her a smile.

Wilson smiled up at Katy and returned the handshake, "I've heard. I've also heard you have a particularly long rebellious streak." Wilson let go of Katy's hand. "From now on you'll be working under me. One upside of being transferred to my team is that you don't have to move; I'm stationed here in Central."

Katy frowned, "Yeah, I guess."

Arguing. That was all they did. The rest of the team found it amusing most days as it was a source of entertainment for them. Katy found out Wilson wasn't her commanding officer's first name when Jack, one of her new teammates asked her why she referred to Wilson with her last name.

When asked why Katy didn't know her first name Wilson smiled and said, "It's just because you didn't ask. My name is Aiden."

Katy expected to be reprimanded when she kept on using Aiden's first name rather than her last, but no such thing happened. When she went off on her own to do her own thing she expected to be yelled at and put in line. That didn't happen either. It became apparent that Aiden's team was rather lax in enforcing certain rules and keeping soldiers in line.

"I just don't see any reason to order someone to do something when I can ask them instead," Aiden said while scribbling something down on a sheet of paper. "If you want to research something then go ahead, I won't stop you. Just make sure you can pass your yearly assessment when it comes around. And when I need you I'll expect you to be there. Is that understood?"

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