A Hela Big Pain In My A**

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The fight for Asgard grew more life-threatening by the second. Hela was in the palace fighting Thor, and Katy was helping Heimdall escort all the citizens down the rainbow bridge towards the Bifrost to help them escape, Hela's undead armor chasing after them. Valkyrie and Bruce were flying above in the Grandmaster's party ship from Sakkar, following Hela's undead and oversized dog as it ran down the bridge towards the others.

Valkyrie stopped shooting the space machine gun long enough to call to Bruce who was flying the ship. "This stupid dog won't die!"

Banner hesitated, looking back at her while she spoke then back to steering, deciding if he should use the Hulk or not, worried he'd lose control like last time. Finally coming to a conclusion.

In the meantime, Heimdall threw his cape off from his shoulders and stood his ground with his sword in hand, preparing to fight the dog. An arm was suddenly in front of him, keeping him back. When he looked over, Katy was the person it belonged to, causing a confused look to take over his face. "Iro?"

"Don't worry about the dog, Heimdall." Her eyes were fixated on the bridge in front of her, watching the dog run closer and closer. Any second now...

Bruce stood from his seat at the controls and walked over to Valkyrie. "Everything's gonna be alright now. I got this." Valkyrie gave him a confused look, looking to the bridge then back to Bruce as he continued. "You wanted to know who I am?"

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"You'll see!" he replied, jumping out of the ship and down to the bridge.

After a couple of seconds of Katy holding Heimdall back, Bruce hit the bridge like a pancake being flipped in a pan. The large dog stopped and sniffed at the form. A disappointed look on appeared on Katy's face, but she held her ground, keeping her arm in front of Heimdall.

"Now?" he sounded worried, shifting his feet to get a better grip on the bridge.

"No." Katy replied, voice stern as the citizens cried in fear.

The dog got closer, preparing to bite down on them before he suddenly stopped and was drug backward, nails scratching on the bridge and tearing pieces off of it. He was then swung around to the other side and dropped. He staggered back to his paws, looking over his shoulder at just what threw him.

Now standing big and green as the Hulk, Bruce roared in challenge. Valkyrie was now completely and shocked about what was happening, shaking her head at the situation. The dog growled back, charging Bruce. With his Hulk strength, he braced for the impact as the dog's jaws clamped down on his shoulder and dragged him across the bridge before Bruce flipped himself and the dog over the ledge and into the water.

"Ya know -" Katy chuckled, crossing her arms as she turned to look at Heimdall, "- what I don't get, is why you were prepared to fight the dog when you can see the future and knew that was going to happen."

The man opened his mouth to speak. It was stuck like that for a moment before he closed it. "I thought I had an answer to that, but I don't."

Katy chuckled yet again. Turning around she noticed the undead fighting the civilians. She slapped Heimdall's shoulder to gain his attention. "Time to hero up, Heim," the woman smirked, pulling her own sword out of its sheath.

Heimdall also prepared to fight, glancing over at her as she spoke. 'Why does this woman speak when I can't understand her?' he thought, shaking his head to make himself focus on the task at hand.

The two charged forward, slashing away at the dead army. While fighting the undead, one cut the man's leg, making him fall to his knees and he swung his sword around his head, cutting two in the abdomen, killing both, even though they were already dead. One he had missed, and as it brought it's sword down to strike a finishing blow on Heimdall, it was shot through the chest, revealing two figures standing behind it.

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