Where's My Epic Background Music

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The Promised Day had finally arrived for Katy, Layla, and Kate. The plan would work, Kate would take the throne and rule Othos. Sadly for her, it would be without her love, but Katy knew better. Katy had gotten them on the list to the dance/fundraiser under false identities, so they wouldn't have to worry as much.

Katy's dress was a deep red with gold details on the chest, a slit in the skirt, long sleeved, and backless. There was a small area between her breasts that could be seen by whoever, but there was zero chance of anything happening even if she did jumping jacks. Her blonde hair was down and curled, and her makeup was fairly basic with eyeliner, eyeshadow, and lip gloss. The gold eyeshadow that contrasted with her Caribbean green eyes and red lip gloss were the only pieces that stood out.

Kate wore a royal blue gown, fitting for her role and title. The back was crossbody and silver, which was the one part on the dress that stood out. The dress dipped down fairly far in the front but the skin and cleavage that could be seen was minimal, as the dip wasn't much more than a sliver of an area. Her hair was in a bun and her make up was simple as well, having gone with nothing more than black and silver eyeshadow to match her blue eyes and a natural-colored lipstick.

Layla wore an elegant light pink dress with tulle as the main material, two spaghetti straps arching over her shoulders and down her naked back. The pink dress also showed cleavage, but her slip was wider than Kate's and ended inches below her breasts where it met with a pink sash that circled her figure. There was still no chance of anything being glimpsed. Her brown hair was pulled over one shoulder and curled into loose beach waves with minimal makeup to add to her brown eyes. She didn't need it at all, being a vampire, but both Kate and Katy said she would stand out too much with her supernatural beauty.

Since the girls knew they'd be fighting, they didn't want their makeup to smudge, and if it did they didn't want to look like a complete psycho once their armor came off. Katy didn't actually mind if it did, and when the girls asked why Katy answered with a reference about some Winter Soldier's raccoon eyes neither woman understood.

"Alright, here are your armor and weapon disks." As Katy spoke, she handed the girls each item as the name was said. "Find a place to hide them, but also someplace you can easily touch the button to activate them."

"So not prison style, then?" Layla smirked at her joke, laughing a little when Katy blushed a little awkwardly.

"No! You weirdo," she shook her head, hitting Layla's arm playfully. "Put them where they need to be, and we'll head out." And that they did. Horas was the driver to the castle while all three ladies sat in the back seat. As they approached the castle they made last minute preparations., which would've happened even if they had years to plan in advance. When they pulled in the gate, Kate was admiring the large home. "This will be your home by the end of the night, Kate," Katy whispered, a hand on the woman's shoulder and squeezing gently.

"Am I ready for this?" Kate whispered, having yet another moment of worry. It was natural to be nervous when performing a coup d'etat.

"I wouldn't have brought you here if you weren't," Katy smiled, pulling away as the car parked. Katy glanced over the two before Horas opened the door and helped her out of the car and her tone became serious. It was time for their plan to be put into action, there would be no going back. "Don't let your guard down for anyone but each other, and even then someone may be nearby. You have your armor as well, yes?"

"Of course, M'Lady," Horas gave a kind smile as he spoke, hoping the guards didn't hear the conversation.

Next was Kate to step out, then Layla. All three women walked in with guards escorting them, just like Katy had said would happen. They were then escorted into the ballroom where chatter was thrown all around. The king sat high on his throne, observing until the festivities began. Kate's eyes darkened from blue to green in anger with sight of the man on the throne, knowing that he was the man that killed her mother. Her blood boiled and her fists clenched, but she somehow managed to keep a smile on her face as everyone looked at the three women. Her hunter instincts told her to end it now, before something bad happened, but her head told her to listen to Katy, and wait for her signal.

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