Marvelous: part 2

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The captain groaned as he pushed himself off the ground, looking around him at all the damage in alarm. He and Tony shared a look. "Put on the suit."

"Yeah," Tony agreed, bolting out of the room. Steve was hot on his heels.

Alarms blared and agents grabbed guns in case they came in contact with the intruders. Some agents grabbed fire extinguishers and put out the fires that had erupted from computers or stray wiring hanging from the ceiling. Inside the lab, Fury sat up with a slouch, he may or may not have a bruised or broken rib.

"Hill?" Fury asked, tapping his comm.

There was no reply other than what Hill was doing on the bridge. "Turn up that engine! Number three engine is down! Can we get a run in?" She jogged over to the Galaga player. "Talk to me."

"Turbine's loose. It's mostly intact," the man pointed to the monitor which showed the damage and debris, "but it's impossible to get out there and make repairs while we're in the air."

"We lose one more engine and we won't be. Somebody's gotta get in there and patch that engine."

"Stark, you copy that?" Fury asked.

"I'm on it," came the quick reply.

"Coulson! Initiate official lockdown in the detention section then get to the armory!" Fury began to make his way out of the lab. "Romanoff?"

"I'm here. Bruce and I are okay."

"Hart?" There was nothing but silence from Katy's end. "Hart, do you copy?"

Fury cursed and started looking around the room. Debris and smoke clouded his vision so he couldn't see too well, but thankfully the light shining in provided some clearance in the dark. He hurried around the lab, not finding a hint of Katy anywhere until he happened to glimpse a pair of legs sticking out behind a counter, part of the ceiling covering the rest of her body. Fury rushed over and removed the debris, noticing how her arm was bent at an awkward angle and a large gash made its way across her forehead.

"I need a medical team in lab number two," Fury ordered. "Hart is down."

When Katy woke up she had a raging headache and the bright lights weren't making it any better. She did her best to sit up and when Katy could clearly see, she noticed that she seemed to be in a medical bay. A nurse came rushing forward, startling Katy, and began asking questions while flashing a light in her eyes.

"Can you tell me your name? When were you born? Can you see clearly or is anything fuzzy?"

"What?" Katy mumbled.

"You may have a concussion, please answer the questions."

"I have many names, I was born, I think, over five thousand years ago. I can see just fine, thank you." Katy stood from the bed with a small groan, picking up her shoes from under the bed and putting them back on. She glanced around and grabbed the small comm device from a nearby table and put it in her ear. The nurse sputtered and tried to get her back into bed but it was useless. "Have they left yet? Captain America, Iron Man, and the others?"

The nurse nodded slowly. "Yes."

"Have a nice day!" she smiled, opening the window - that really shouldn't have been able to be opened - and jumping out. She could barely hear the nurses scream of horror before the sound of rushing wind drowned out any other sounds.

Katy focused on the one place in New York she would be needed; Stark Tower.

"Seems you're making a habit of this, Loki," Katy gently placed her feet on the circular platform made for Tony.

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