Prison of the Mind

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        !!! WARNING there is torture in this chapter. you have been advised. WARNING!!!!!


"Tony! Focus on the task at hand, will you?" Steve groaned in frustration. The team was currently fighting off a large group of HYDRA agents, and weren't exactly winning.

"I am! I've just got my hands full over here!"

Steve was currently the only one inside the building, Natasha made her way there as the two men bickered. The fighting was silenced by someone busting through the roof, Steve blocking debris from hitting him with his shield. When he peeked over, Iro was standing to her feet, hands in fists as she glared down the HYDRA agents in front of her. Her long white hair flowed behind her, making the god seem angelic.

"Y'all get out of here, Steve." She looked over her shoulder to give him a grin, her eyes a bright red, "I've got this."

"Be careful, okay?" Iro nodded, turning her focus back to the agents and charging them while the Avengers made their escape.

While Iro was fighting one of the agents, another came up behind her, slamming a gun to her neck. All she felt was a twinge of pain and all she saw was an agent and then it was dark, her consciousness succumbing to the strike.

When she woke up, her back was hurting and she realized she must've been slumping in the chair too long. Groaning, she opened her eyes to see that her feet were shackled. Eyes wide, she quickly sat straight up and looked around the room. The room was empty aside from Iro herself. The room was wet and cold, and the pipe dripping in the back of the room was irritating to listen to. An iron door rested far away from her, almost teasing the fact that she couldn't get out.

She rolled her eyes at the flimsy chains and slowly began to break them. Except, they didn't break. Iro applied more and more pressure on the metal but it didn't come close to bending, much less breaking. Panic slowly began to grow in her chest. Where am I? What are these chains made of?

"Well good morning, goddess," a deep voice spoke through an intercom she couldn't see. "I'll be in shortly to make your acquaintance."

The woman glanced around to find the source, but the sound was coming from everywhere. Thumps of footsteps sounded and she redirected her attention to the man walking through the heavy metal door, closing it behind him as he let a smirk spread across his lips. He was tall and very broad-shouldered with spiky blond hair. The look in his eyes threw her off. It was like how they said the eye was a window to the soul. What she saw inside those black eyes was something disturbing she couldn't name, but it was deranged; demented.

"My name is Jason, I work for HYDRA. Will you be so kind as to tell us where the Avengers' base is?" he spoke in a mock friendly tone that made Iro's skin crawl.

The attack in the building must've been staged, she realized. They were after anyone they could get their hands on who could give them information. Then again... Any of the team would die before they gave out information to HYDRA and HYDRA knew it. So they weren't after the team, they were after her alone and they would only get her on the chance she showed up, as Iro didn't always appear for attacks.

"I'll be telling you nothing. Understand?" Iro snarled, her teeth seeming to sharpen a bit as she spoke, her eyes red once again.

"I had hoped you'd say that." Walking a little closer, he stood in front of a table she hadn't noticed before. Tools lying in a row, he ran a finger down each tool as he decided which one he wanted to use first. "I heard you can heal your wounds. Am I correct?"

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