Queen of Hearts

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Iro stood on the mountain top, admiring the new island in the distance. After everything that had happened with Thanos and HYDRA, she finally had the opportunity to ask Chuck for his help in making a new island, the new Asgard. He'd shrugged and agreed, having nothing better to do.

"Iro? Are you coming? We're going to be late." Loki had turned back to look at her, already on his way back to the car. "Iro," he called again, finally getting her attention.

"Sorry! I got distracted," she chuckled, tucking a strand of her white hair behind her ear before skipping up to her partner, the two hurrying down to the car to head to the feast Thor had planned to thank Iro for her generosity. Once reaching the docks, the two got on the first boat to Asgard, getting ready for the event during the ride.

"Brother! Lady Iro! Glad you made it," Thor greeted the pair with a smile. His clothing was flashier than usual, since this feast also acted as his coronation celebration. "This way, the meal will be served shortly." He patted Loki's back as a gesture for them to follow him to the palace's outdoor dining that was big enough to fit all of the Asgardians. At least, all that survived the attack on the ship.

Thor sat at the head of the table, Loki next to him and Iro next to Loki, Valkyrie across from Loki, slightly glaring at him for his actions on Sakaar. Once the food had been served, Thor stood, drawing everyone's attention to him and their conversations to a halt, everyone standing with him.

"I'd like to make a toast. To Iro, The goddess of Imagination for her bravery against the Mad Titan known as Thanos, and her way with words to provide us a new Asgard," he gave Iro and Loki a small smile, raising his tankard to the air, everyone doing the same with their own drinkware. "We are forever in your debt, Lady Iro. You will always have a place in Asgard, a seat at my table, and an ally in my people. To the goddess!" With his finishing line, everyone cheered the words, Iro blushing at the attention.

Throughout the night, the group ate, drank, and enjoyed each other's company. It had gotten late, and almost everyone had returned home, aside from the ones closest to the king. While Thor and Loki were having a conversation, Iro had left to explore the gardens, the two brothers unaware of her absence for at least thirty minutes.

"Casual conversation aside, brother. When will you be returning home? Even with your tricks, you are an Asgardian and a prince," Thor's voice was a bit stern, the man leaning forward on the table as he awaited an answer from his brother.

Loki was a bit surprised by the question, given everything he had done in his past, but the fact that Thor had asked shouldn't have surprised him. The god was quiet, looking down at the liquid in his cup. It was enough of an answer for Thor, the man planting a gentle smile on his face as he sat back in his chair.

"You weren't planning on coming back, other than visiting, were you?"

Loki's head shot up, looking to his brother for a moment before answering with a head shake. "I may be a prince of Asgard, but this is not my home, not anymore at least." he glanced over to his side, now noticing Iro wasn't there. A hint of worry shocked Loki, the man abruptly standing, "Sorry brother, I need to find Iro." Without waiting for a response, he hurried to find the woman.

After searching everywhere in the palace, kitchen first, there were no signs of her. While looking in one of the rooms, he had walked past a balcony that overlooked the gardens. Guided by a hunch, he looked over and almost immediately spotted her white hair shining in the moonlight. Hurrying down, he slowed his pace as he got closer to her, observing her actions from afar.

"Min skjebne," the woman practically jumped from her skin, turning to face him with a hand on her chest. She was so lost in thought that she hadn't noticed him. "You seem very distracted today. Is something bothering you?"

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